Preprints: Accelerating Research

2. Where Can I Find Preprints?

Preprint Repositories

Preprints are housed on servers that are commonly hosted by universities, non-profit organizations, and publishers. There are general preprint repositories, like arXiv; field-specific repositories like bioRxiv, EarthArXiv and ChemRxiv; geography-specific repositories like AfricArxiv; and preprint services integrated into publisher submission workflows like Research Square (Springer Nature) and Authorea (Wiley).

Graphic showing icons of repository type: General, Field-Specific, Geography-Specific and Publisher Submission Workflows

Examples of Preprint Repositories

Repository Type URL
arXiv General
bioRxiv Field-specific
EarthArXiv Field-specific
ChemRxiv Field-specific
medRxiv Field-specific
AfricArxiv Geography-specific
Research Square (Springer Nature) Publisher submission workflows
Authorea (Wiley) Publisher submission workflows

Preprint servers for physics, math and social sciences have existed for many decades. Servers for preprints in health and biomedicine are generally much younger. Some well-known biomedical preprint servers are bioRxiv, which launched in 2013, and medRxiv, which began accepting papers in mid-2019.

You can find a directory of preprint servers at ASAPbio. Make sure to scroll to the bottom of the page.