Module 1: Foundations of MeSH in MEDLINE®

MeSH Tree Structure

MeSH Database

You can see these MeSH hierarchies in the MeSH Database. The database allows you to:

  • Locate and select MeSH terms (Headings, Subheadings, Supplementary Concept Records, and Publication Types) for use in PubMed searches
  • See the definition and other helpful information for a MeSH term
  • Locate the date when a term was first used for indexing
  • See the position of MeSH terms in the hierarchy
  • Select MeSH heading/subheading combinations to build a PubMed search

As an example, view the MeSH Database page for the term Neoplasms. We will explore using the MeSH Database in more detail in later modules, but for now, just be aware that there is a tool to help you explore MeSH terms.

Screen shot of Neoplasms MeSH Database page