Phrase Searching in PubMed Tutorial

Phrase Searching in PubMed Tutorial

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Welcome to the Phrase Searching in PubMed tutorial.

PubMed search results for recreational drug use

Sometimes, you may want to search PubMed for a phrase, or a multi-word concept, like recreational drug use. Searching this phrase in PubMed without any punctuation or tags will return all results that contain:

  • The exact phrase
  • The individual terms
  • Related terms added by PubMed’s Automatic Term Mapping (ATM)

However, there may be times when you want to use advanced phrase searching techniques, including when:

  • You receive no results or irrelevant results for a phrase
  • You want to search with spelling variations on terms within a phrase
  • You want to search with other variations on a phrase, like the words in a different order or within a specific proximity of each other

Complete this tutorial sequentially for a comprehensive overview of phrase searching or jump to the section that you need. Each section includes examples of phrase searching and hands-on practice.

Tutorial Prerequisites

Before proceeding, you should be aware of some basic related PubMed features, like PubMed Advanced Search and Search Details, Medical Subject Headings (MeSH), Automatic Term Mapping (ATM), and Automatic Explosion.

If you need a refresher on any of these topics, view the 4-minute PubMed Subject Search: How It Works tutorial or read more information at the links below:

Continuing Education Credits

If you are taking this course for Medical Library Association credits, please register and complete the class through the Network of the National Library of Medicine (NNLM) online registration system.