Implementation of NLM® BIBCO Standard Record (BSR) Level Cataloging for Original Cataloging of Print Monographs
On January 4, 2010, the Cataloging Section implemented the newly defined BIBCO Standard Record (BSR) Level Cataloging for original cataloging of print monographs. BSR excludes rare books, electronic books, or monographs in non-book formats. Records used for copy cataloging will be upgraded to ensure they contain at least the minimum set of data elements prescribed by the BSR, but any additional elements will not be removed from copy records.
A BSR cataloging record consists of at least the minimum set of data elements prescribed by the Program for Cooperative Cataloging BIBCO Standard Record. NLM will also include the following elements in BSR cataloging records:
- Fully coded Leader and 008
- Byte 39 Cataloging source coded blank to reflect NLM status as a national library
- Bibliographic history notes and bibliography/index notes (NLM will no longer add pagination information to a 504 note)
- A full complement of subject headings
- 530 notes, rather than the recommended 776 field, as NLM follows the single record approach
- Series tracings; NLM will continue to establish new SARs (Series Authority Records)
- Other elements deemed important for identification and access may be added at the cataloger’s discretion.
Access points on a BSR record must be supported by a national level authority record, so headings are contributed to NACO (Name Authority Cooperative Program) as needed. Records include an NLM class number in addition to accession numbers used for shelving at NLM. As previously announced on December 21, 2009, the NLM classification number will not include a cutter after June 21, 2010.

Boehr D, Willis S. Implementation of NLM® BIBCO Standard Record (BSR) Level Cataloging for Original Cataloging of Print Monographs. NLM Tech Bull. 2010 Jan-Feb;(372):e3.