Unified Medical Language System® (UMLS®) News
UMLS Source Release Documentation
The National Library of Medicine® has published the first set of its new Source Release Documentation pages.
This documentation is designed to help users select sources that are useful to their applications and to understand how sources are represented in Metathesaurus format. Included are tabs for a synopsis of the scope and purpose of the source, a user-friendly display of the metadata in the MRSAB.RRF file, and statistics on term types, attributes, and relationships, including sample data.
Documentation for MeSH®, SNOMED Clinical Terms®, RxNorm, ICD-9-CM, LOINC®, HUGO®, Gold Standard Alchemy, Multum, and MedlinePlus® Health Topics is now available. Documentation for all forty sources added or updated in the 2008AB UMLS Metathesaurus will be completed over the next several weeks. The link to each source documentation set will be made available from the Source Release Documentation main page.
Source information will be updated as sources are added or revised in future UMLS releases. Pages for selected sources not updated since 2008AA will be published during the coming year.
SNOMED CT Spanish Edition, October 2008
The October 2008 version of SNOMED CT Spanish Edition is now available for download from the UMLS Knowledge Source Server (UMLSKS). This terminology will also be included in Metathesaurus format in the UMLS 2009AA Release in April 2009.
UMLSKS Port Change
As part of the ongoing NLM effort to resolve technical problems with the UMLSKS, the UMLSKS Version 6.0 now uses a standard port (443 instead of 8443) for https traffic. Please delete bookmarks stored with the previous URL. Go to https://login.nlm.nih.gov/cas/login?service=http://umlsks.nlm.nih.gov/uPortal/Login and bookmark the updated URL.
Internet Explorer® users may receive a warning pertaining to the certificate and site security. Install the certificate in the Internet Explorer 'Trusted Root Certification Authorities' store to eliminate this warning.
RxTerms is a new tool for drug interface terminology derived from RxNorm. See also RxNorm Now Issued in Weekly and Monthly Releases.

Kleinsorge R. Unified Medical Language System® (UMLS®) News. NLM Tech Bull. 2008 Nov-Dec; (365):e21.