October 06, 2009 [posted]
Fundamentals of the NLM® Classification Tutorial

The Cataloging Section of the National Library of Medicine® is pleased to announce the availability of an e-learning course called Fundamentals of the NLM Classification. It is available as a link from the Cataloging Section homepage, as well as the Distance Education page. The course is a free set of modules and interactive exercises that students may take at their own pace without an instructor.
This course covers the principles and applications of the NLM Classification in the cataloging environment. The course is divided into nine modules:
- Overview of the NLM Classification
- Using the Online NLM Classification
- Components of NLM Call Numbers
- General Principles
- Table G (Geographic Notations)
- Form Numbers
- Bibliographies and Related Materials
- Classification of 19th Century Works and Early Printed Books
- Continuing Resources

Bushman B. Fundamentals of the NLM® Classification Tutorial. NLM Tech Bull. 2009 Sep-Oct;(370):e20.