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October 20, 2010 [posted]

Dietary Supplements — A New PubMed® Subset

A new PubMed subset, "Dietary Supplements," will soon be available. This subset is designed to limit search results to citations from a broad spectrum of dietary supplement literature including vitamin, mineral, phytochemical, ergogenic, botanical, and herbal supplements in human nutrition and animal models. The subset will retrieve dietary supplement-related citations on topics including, but not limited to:

The subset will be added as a choice in the Subset category on the Limits page. Alternatively, the dietary supplements subset can be selected as a filter in MyNCBI or you can incorporate the subset into a search using AND dietsuppl [sb].

Example: diabetes AND dietsuppl [sb]

The Dietary Supplement subset is a joint project between NLM® and the Office of Dietary Supplements (ODS) of the National Institutes of Health. This subset was created using a search strategy including terms provided by ODS, and selected journals indexed for MEDLINE® that include significant dietary supplement-related content.

The Dietary Supplements subset has considerable overlap with the Complementary Medicine subset but each has unique records. To limit to retrieval from either subset in a PubMed search, check both boxes in the Subsets category on the PubMed Limits page.

The subset succeeds the International Bibliographic Information on Dietary Supplements (IBIDS) database, 1999-2010, which was a collaboration between the two U.S. government agencies, ODS and United States Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Library.

By Anne L. Thurn, Ph.D.
NIH Office of Dietary Supplements

Thurn AL. Dietary Supplements — A New PubMed® Subset. NLM Tech Bull. 2010 Sep-Oct;(376):e11.

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