Ivan Ovcharenko, PhD
Senior Investigator, Computational Biology BranchThe current research of the Ovcharenko group focuses on deciphering the semantics and studying the evolution of the gene regulatory code in eukaryotes. The group uses comparative genomics, statistics, and machine learning to understand the DNA sequence encoding of tissue-specific regulatory elements and the links between regulatory element sequence variation and disease.
Contact Information
Building 38A, 8600 Rockville Pike MSC 6075 Bethesda, MD 20894
Tel: (301) 435-8944
Research Interests
My group is interested in deciphering the “second language” of the human genome. The vast landscape of the human genome hosts elements that orchestrate the dynamics of proteins in every human cell, establishes cell identity, and safeguards the defense mechanisms. These elements, known as gene regulatory elements, are encrypted in a different genomic language known as the second language of genomes. As this second language of genomes remains largely unknown, we are working on developing novel artificial intelligence methods to understand the genomic encryption of gene regulatory elements and use it to map the location of these elements in the human genome.