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MDR (MedDRA) - Source Representation

This page lists specific source data elements and provides information on their representation in the UMLS Metathesaurus.



The files found in the MedAscii directory of the MedDRA release contain the complete current MedDRA data set. Metathesaurus source processing requires only these files. The consecutive files, found in the SeqAscii directory, define what changes have been made in the MedDRA ASCII files since the last release. These files are not directly used for Metathesaurus source processing.

The information provided here applies explicitly to the English version of MedDRA, however the majority of it is also relevant to most MedDRA translations. The Japanese translation of MedDRA has significant differences.

Summary of Changes:

There were no changes to the original file format or in the Metathesaurus source processing.

Source-Provided Files: Summary

The complete English language MedDRA distribution includes the following:

Documentation and Reference

File Name Description
SMQ_intguide_26_1_English.pdf SMQ Introductory Guide
smq_spreadsheet_26_1_English.xlsx SMQ Spreadsheet (English download only)
detail_report_26_1_English.pdf Detail Report (English download only)
dist_file_format_26_1_English.pdf MedDRA Distribution File Format Document
intguide_26_1_English.pdf Introductory Guide (PDF)
readme_26_1_English.txt README listing files in the MedDRA distribution
version_report_26_1_English.xlsx Version Report (English download only)
whatsnew_26_1_English.pdf What's New in this version

Ascii data files

File Name Description
MedAscii/llt.asc Lower Level Terms
MedAscii/pt.asc Preferred Terms
MedAscii/hlt.asc High Level Terms
MedAscii/hlgt.asc High Level Group Terms
MedAscii/soc.asc System Organ Classes
MedAscii/soc_hlgt.asc Relationships between SOC and HLGT codes
MedAscii/hlgt_hlt.asc Relationships between HLGT and HLT codes
MedAscii/hlt_pt.asc Relationships between HLT and PT codes
MedAscii/intl_ord.asc International SOC sort order data
MedAscii/smq_list.asc Standardised MedDRA Query (SMQ) Listing
MedAscii/smq_content.asc Standardised MedDRA Query (SMQ) Listing
MedAscii/mdhier.asc Hierarchy data: data in this file is redundant to data in soc_hlgt.asc, hlgt_hlt.asc and hlt_pt.asc
MedAscii/meddra_history_english.asc History information
MedAscii/meddra_release.asc Release metadata

All information from the MedAscii files is included in the UMLS representation. Certain fields and files may not be directly processed because they contain redundant data.

Consecutive data files (SeqAscii) are not processed for the UMLS Metathesaurus

Source-Provided Files: Details

Details on format of input files and representation of source data. Consult the MedDRA documentation for additional details.


Lower Level Terms, represented with TTY="LLT" or "OL" (for non-current LLTs). Every PT has one identical LLT for data entry purposes. In addition, LLTs may be synonyms, lexical variants, quasi-synonyms, or sub-elements of their PT.Therefore, the pt_code is represented in MRCONSO as a Source-asserted Descriptor Identifier (SDUI), indicating that the LLT and PT are closely related but not necessarily synonymous.

# Field Name Description Representation
1 llt_code 8-digit code to identify Lowest Level Term MRCONSO.CODE (TTY="LLT", "OL")
2 llt_name Full name of Lowest Level Term MRCONSO.STR
3 pt_code 8-digit code to identify Preferred Term for this LLT MRCONSO.SDUI
4 llt_whoart_code Code allocated by the WHO-ART terminology Not populated
5 llt_harts_code Code allocated by the HARTS terminology Not populated
6 llt_costart_sym Symbol allocated by the COSTART terminology Not populated
7 llt_icd9_code Code allocated by the 9th Revision of the International Classification of Diseases, ICD-9 Not populated
8 llt_icd9cm_code Code allocated by the 9th Revision of the International Classification of Diseases, Clinical Modification ICD-9-CM Not populated
9 llt_icd10_code Code allocated by the 10th revision of the International Classification of Diseases, ICD-10 Not populated
10 llt_currency Indicates whether the Lowest Level Term is current or non-current Used to assign the termtype: If value = "Y", termtype = "LLT"; if value = "N", termtype = "OL", SUPPRESS = "Y"
11 llt_jart_code Code allocated by the J-ART terminology Not populated


Preferred Terms

# Field Name Description Representation
1 pt_code 8-digit code to identify Preferred Term MRCONSO.CODE (TTY = "PT"); MRCONSO.SDUI
2 pt_name Full name of Preferred Term MRCONSO.STR
3 null_field This field is null Not applicable
4 pt_soc_code Primary System Organ Class to which the Preferred Term is linked MRSAT: ATN = "MPS"
5 pt_whoart_code Code allocated by the WHO-ART terminology Not populated
6 pt_harts_code Code allocated by the HARTS terminology Not populated
7 pt_costart_sym Symbol allocated by the COSTART terminology Not populated/td>
8 pt_icd9_code Code allocated by the 9th Revision of the International Classification of Diseases, ICD-9 Not populated
9 pt_icd9cm_code Code allocated by the 9th Revision of the International Classification of Diseases, Clinical Modification, ICD-9-CM Not populated
10 pt_icd10_code Code allocated by the 10th revision of the International Classification of Diseases, ICD-10 Not populated
11 pt_jart_code Code allocated by the J-ART terminology Not populated


High Level Terms

# Field Name Description Representation
1 hlt_code 8-digit code to identify High Level Term MRCONSO.CODE (TTY = "HT")
2 hlt_name Full name of High Level Term MRCONSO.STR
3 hlt_whoart_code Code allocated by the WHO-ART terminology Not populated
4 hlt_harts_code Code allocated by the HARTS terminology Not populated
5 hlt_costart_sym Symbol allocated by the COSTART terminology Not populated
6 hlt_icd9_code Code allocated by the 9th Revision of the International Classification of Diseases, ICD-9 Not populated
7 hlt_icd9cm_code Code allocated by the 9th Revision of the International Classification of Diseases, Clinical Modification ICD-9-CM Not populated
8 hlt_icd10_code Code allocated by the 10th revision of the International Classification of Diseases, ICD-10 Not populated
9 hlt_jart_code Code allocated by the J-ART terminology Not populated


High Level Group Terms

# Field Name Description Representation
1 hlgt_code 8-digit code to identify High Level Group Term MRCONSO.CODE (TTY = "HG")
2 hlgt_name Full name of High Level Group Term MRCONSO.STR
3 hlgt_whoart_code Code allocated by the WHO-ART terminology Not populated
4 hlgt_harts_code Code allocated by the HARTS terminology Not populated
5 hlgt_costart_sym Symbol allocated by the COSTART terminology Not populated
6 hlgt_icd9_code Code allocated by the 9th Revision of the International Classification of Diseases, ICD-9 Not populated
7 hlgt_icd9cm_code Code allocated by the 9th Revision of the International Classification of Diseases, Clinical Modification ICD-9-CM Not populated
8 hlgt_icd10_code Code allocated by the 10th revision of the International Classification of Diseases, ICD-10 Not populated
9 hlgt_jart_code Code allocated by the J-ART terminology Not populated


System Organ Classes

# Field Name Description Representation
1 soc_code 8-digit code to identify System Organ Class MRCONSO.CODE (TTY = "OS")
2 soc_name Full name of System Organ Class MRCONSO.STR
3 soc_abbrev System Organ Class Abbreviation MRCONSO.CODE (TTY = "AB")
4 soc_whoart_code Code allocated by the WHO-ART terminology Not populated
5 soc_harts_code Code allocated by the HARTS terminology Not populated
6 soc_costart_sym Symbol allocated by the COSTART terminology Not populated
7 soc_icd9_code Code allocated by the 9th Revision of the International Classification of Diseases, ICD-9 Not populated
8 soc_icd9cm_code Code allocated by the 9th Revision of the International Classification of Diseases, Clinical Modification ICD-9-CM Not populated
9 soc_icd10_code Code allocated by the 10th revision of the International Classification of Diseases, ICD-10 Not populated
10 soc_jart_code Code allocated by the J-ART terminology Not populated


# Field Name Description Representation
1 soc_code 8-digit code to identify System Organ Class Used to create hierarchy
2 hlgt_code 8-digit code to identify High Level Group Term Used to create hierarchy


# Field Name Description Representation
1 hlt_code 8-digit code to identify High Level Term Used to create hierarchy
2 pt_code 8-digit code to identify Preferred Term Used to create hierarchy


# Field Name Description Representation
1 hlt_code 8-digit code to identify High Level Term Used to create hierarchy
2 pt_code 8-digit code to identify Preferred Term Used to create hierarchy


# Field Name Description Representation
1 intl_ord_code Serial code for international System Organ Class sort order MRSAT: ATN = "MISO"
2 soc_code 8-digit code to identify System Organ Class  


# Field Name Description Representation
1 SMQ_code 8-digit code assigned to the Standardised MedDRA Query, starts with "2" MRCONSO.CODE
2 SMQ_name Name for the SMQ; each SMQ carries "(SMQ)" at the end of the name MRCONSO.STR
3 SMQ_level Value between 1 and 5 identifying the level of the SMQ within the hierarchy MRSAT: ATN = "SMQ_LEVEL"
4 SMQ_description Description of the SMQ including inclusion and exclusion criteria MRDEF.DEF
5 SMQ_source Source for the development of the SMQ (e.g., medical references) MRSAT: ATN = "SMQ_SOURCE"
6 SMQ_note Note for users to better understand the scope and development process for the SMQ. The description of the algorithm used is included (if applicable), as well as the definition of categories MRSAT: ATN = "SOS"
7 MedDRA_version MedDRA version to use in conjunction with this SMQ Not used (value is always the current version)
8 Status Status of the SMQ. "A" = an active SMQ; "I" = an inactive SMQ. MRSAT: ATN = "SMQ_STATUS"
9 SMQ_algorithm If the SMQ was developed for use with an algorithm, the Boolean expression of the algorithm is included. "N" if the SMQ does not utilize an algorithm. MRSAT: ATN = "SMQ_ALGO"


# Field Name Description Representation
1 SMQ_code 8-digit code assigned to the Standardised MedDRA Query, starts with "2" Used to create a "has_member" relationship between the SMQ and its members
2 Term_code Subordinate term code; it could be a code for a MedDRA PT, LLT or child SMQ Used to create a "has_member" relationship between the SMQ and its members
3 Term_level MedDRA hierarchy level of the term (4 = "PT", 5 = "LLT") or 0 for a child SMQ MRSAT: ATN = "SMQ_TERM_LEVEL"
4 Term_scope Defines the MedDRA term as a member of the broad scope (1), narrow scope (2) of the SMQ search, or a child SMQ (0) (zero) MRSAT: ATN = "SMQ_TERM_SCOPE" Attached to the RUI
5 Term_category The category is assigned a single alphabetical letter depending on the algorithm applied. If the SMQ does not use algorithms, then all Term_category values are assigned "A." For a child SMQ, this field is assigned "S." MRSAT: ATN = "SMQ_TERM_CAT" Attached to the RUI
6 Term_weight Term weight is used for some SMQ algorithms. "0" is used as default. MRSAT: ATN = "SMQ_TERM_WEIGHT" Attached to the RUI
7 Term_status Identifies a term as active within this SMQ or inactive within this SMQ. When a term is added to an SMQ, the value is set to "A" for Active. The term can be flagged as "I" for inactive if the term is no longer used in the SMQ. MRSAT: ATN = "SMQ_TERM_STATUS" Attached to the RUI
8 Term_addition_version Identifies the version of MedDRA in which this term was added to the SMQ MRSAT: ATN = "SMQ_TERM_ADDVERSION" Attached to the RUI
9 Term_last_modified_version Identifies the version of MedDRA in which this term was last modified in this SMQ. MRSAT: ATN = "SMQ_TERM_LMVERSION" Attached to the RUI