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MSH (MeSH) - Source Representation

This page lists specific source data elements and provides information on their representation in the UMLS Metathesaurus.



MeSH for the Metathesaurus is processed from the xml files. In addition to data from the xml files, top levels of the hierarchy are created from external files for Metathesaurus representation. The information provided here applies explicitly to the English version of MeSH.

Summary of Changes:

No changes to the original file format or to the Metathesaurus source processing.

Source-Provided Files: Summary


The English language MeSH distribution includes the following. These files, along with additional information can be accessed at

Documentation and Reference

File Name Description
nlmdescriptorrecordset_20240101.dtd.txt Descriptor DTD
nlmqualifierrecordset_20240101.dtd.txt Qualifier DTD
nlmsupplementalrecordset_20240101.dtd.txt SCR (Supplementary Concept Records) DTD

XML Data Files

File Name Description
desc2024.xml Descriptor XML MeSH
qual2024.xml Qualifier XML MeSH
supp2024.xml SCR XML MeSH

In addition to data from the xml files, top levels of the hierarchy are created from external files for Metathesaurus representation.

Not included: Certain data elements may not be directly processed because they contain redundant data. Data elements which are not included, e .g. because they are for internal purposes, are indicated below.

Term Type assignment:Term type assignment is based on the Term attributes provided in the XML. For example, this term is an MH, based on the table below:

<Term ConceptPreferredTermYN="Y" IsPermutedTermYN="N" LexicalTag="NON" RecordPreferredTermYN="Y">

Descriptor MeSH (file: desc*.xml):

ConceptPreferredTermYN IsPermutedTermYN RecordPreferredTermYN TermType

XML tags <CASN1Name>, <EntryVersion> and <SortVersion> are used to create atoms with term types N1, DEV, and DSV, respectively.

Qualifier MeSH (file: qual*.xml):

ConceptPreferredTermYN IsPermutedTermYN RecordPreferredTermYN TermType

Supplemental MeSH (file: supp*.xml):

ConceptPreferredTermYN IsPermutedTermYN RecordPreferredTermYN TermType

Source-Provided Files: Details

The source representation documentation below is based on published MeSH documentation describing XML data elements. Details from this document that are not relevant to Metathesaurus processing have been removed for cleaner presentation. For each XML data element, the table below describes where the data can be found in the RRF format. Redundant data elements may not be processed directly for inclusion in the Metathesaurus.

The complete original documentation can be accessed at:

The following is an alphabetic list of elements available for MeSH data in XML format, including Descriptors, Qualifiers, and Supplementary Concept Records.

RecordType: may appear in records of the following types:
D = Descriptor
Q = Qualifier
SCR = Supplementary Concept Record

Repeating element: may occur more than once within a record.
Required element: all records in the given Record Types have the element.

# Element Representation
1 <Annotation>
Description: Free-text information for indexers and catalogers concerning the use of the <DescriptorRecord> or <QualifierRecord> in PubMed. Example:
<Annotation>coord with DNA or RNA or specific</Annotation>
Subelement of: <DescriptorRecord>
Record Type: D, Q
Repeating element: yes
Required element: no
2 <Abbreviation>
Description: Two-letter abbreviation for Qualifier terms. Example:
Subelement of: <Term>, <AllowableQualifier>
Record Type: Q, D
Repeating element: yes
Required element: no
3 <AllowableQualifier>
Description: A specific Qualifier allowed in combination with the Descriptor for indexing. Example: <AllowableQualifier>
Subelement of: <AllowableQualifiersList>
Record Type: D
Repeating element: yes
Required element: no
4 <AllowableQualifiersList>
Description: List of multiple occurrences of the <AllowableQualifier> element for a given <DescriptorRecord>. Example:
Subelement of: <DescriptorRecord>
Record Type: D
Repeating element: no
Required element: no
See <AllowableQualifier>
5 <CASN1Name>
Description: Chemical Abstracts Type N1 Name. A free-text element containing the systematic name used in the Chemical Abstracts Chemical Substance and Formula Indexes. The systematic name is a unique name assigned to a chemical substance to represent its structure. First available for Descriptors in 1995. Example:
<CASN1Name>1,3-Butadiene, 2-chloro-, homopolymer</CASN1Name>
Subelement of: <Concept>
Record Type: D, SCR
Repeating element: no
Required element: no
6 <Concept>
Description: The bearer of linguistic meaning in MeSH as defined by the <ScopeNote>, comprising a <DescriptorRecord> or <SupplementalRecord> or <QualifierRecord>, and consisting of <Term> elements. One of the three main objects in the MeSH XML (the others being the record, and term). A single record will have one or more concepts, one of which is the preferred concept of the record. A Concept will have one or more terms, one of which is the preferred term for the concept. Referred to uniquely by both a <ConceptUI> and a <ConceptName>. Example:
<Concept PreferredConceptYN="Y">
<ScopeNote>An ionophorous, polyether antibiotic from Streptomyces chartreusensis. ...
Subelement of: <ConceptList>
Record Type: D, Q, SCR
Repeating element: yes
Required element: yes
Not directly processed
7 <Concept1UI>
Description: The <ConceptUI> of first concept in the <ConceptRelation> element Subelement of: <ConceptRelation>
Record Type: D, Q, SCR
Repeating element: yes
Required element: no
MRREL.CUI1 populated by the Metathesaurus CUI of Concept1UI
8 <Concept2UI>
Description: The <ConceptUI> of second concept in the <ConceptRelation> element. Subelement of: <ConceptRelation>
Record Type: D, Q, SCR
Repeating element: yes
Required element: no
MRREL.CUI1 populated by the Metathesaurus CUI of Concept2UI
9 <ConceptList>
Description: Set of one or more <Concept> elements in a Descriptor, Qualifier, or Supplementary Concept record.
Subelement of: <DescriptorRecord>; <QualifierRecord>; <SupplementalRecord>
Record Type: D, Q, SCR
Repeating element: no
Required element: yes
MeSH Browser: none
Not directly processed
10 <ConceptName>
Description: The <Term> that uniquely names the <Concept> and, along with the <ConceptName>, is used to represent the Concept in other elements. The same term as the preferred term of the concept. Subelement of: <Concept>
Record Type: D, Q, SCR
Repeating element: yes
Required element: yes
Not directly processed
11 <ConceptPreferredTermYN>
Description: Attribute of the <Term> element which indicates whether or not the term is the preferred term of its concept. See Introduction to MeSH in XML format. Example:
<Term ConceptPreferredTermYN="Y"
Subelement of: not applicable; attribute of <Term>
Record Type: D, Q, SCR
Repeating attribute: yes
Required attribute: yes
MeSH Browser: Preferred [in the Descriptor Expanded Concept View; first term in the Standard Concept View]
Used to compute TTY assignments. See Term Type section for details
12 <ConceptRelation>
Description: A semantic relation between a given <Concept> and another <Concept>. The most common case currently is the semantic relation between the preferred concept and subordinate concept(s) in the same record. The type of relation is specified by the attribute RelationName, which consists of one of the following values: BRD (broader)
NRW (narrower)
REL (related but not broader or narrower)
<ConceptRelation RelationName="NRW">
In this example the concept M0353609 has the relation NRW with respect to concept M0000001. That is, M0353609 (A-23187) is narrower than M0000001 (Calcimycin). Currently the maximum number of relations per concept is one. And the minimum number of relations per non-preferred concept is one. Subelement of: <ConceptRelationList>
Record Type: D, Q, SCR
Repeating element: yes
Required element: no
See <RelationName>
13 <ConceptRelationList>
Description: The set of one or more named relations between a given <Concept> and another <Concept>. The name of the relation is specified by the RelationName attribute of the subelement <ConceptRelation>, e.g., NRW, etc.
Subelement of: <Concept>
Record Type: D, Q, SCR
Repeating element: no
Required element: no
Not directly processed
14 <ConceptUI>
Description: Concept Unique Identifier. Eight-character alpha-numeric string uniquely identifying a <Concept> and, along with the <ConceptName>, is used to represent the <Concept> in other elements. Example:
Subelement of: <Concept>
Record Type: D, Q, SCR
Repeating element: no
Required element: yes
15 <ConceptUMLSUI>
Description: Eight-character alpha-numeric string uniquely identifying a MeSH <Concept> within the UMLS Metathesaurus. Example:
Subelement of: <Concept>
Record Type: D, Q, SCR
Repeating element: yes
Required element: no
MeSH Browser: none
Not included
16 <ConsiderAlso>
Description: Consider Also cross-reference. Free-text element which refers a user from a Descriptor to other terms which have related roots. For example, the CX entry for BLOOD is:
<ConsiderAlso>consider also terms at HEM-</ConsiderAlso>
Subelement of: <DescriptorRecord>
Record Type: D
Repeating element: no
Required element: no
17 <DateCreated>
Description: Date when a <Term> or record was first entered in the MeSH data entry system. A time-stamp, which may be a year behind the <DateEstablished>. Note that when data were converted to the new MeSH maintenance system in 1999, many terms did not have a <DateCreated> value and so were given a value of January 1, 1999. Similar in format to the MEDLINE element of the same name. Example:
Subelement of: <DescriptorRecord>; <Term>
Record Type: D, Q, SCR
Repeating element: no
Required element: no
Value is <Year><Month><Day>
e.g., "19900308"
Note: MDA attributes are created from data at the Descriptor (SDUI) level. They are not created from data at the Term (AUI) level.
18 <DateEstablished>
Description: First day of the first full month when a <DescriptorRecord> or <QualifierRecord> first becomes available for searching in NLM's online databases, such as PubMed. (Formerly the first year published in Index Medicus.) Usually the records introduced in a given MeSH year will have the same <DateEstablished>. Example:
Subelement of: <DescriptorRecord>; <QualifierRecord>
Record Type: D, Q
Repeating element: no
Required element: yes
Value is <Year><Month><Day>
e.g., "20010101"
19 <DateRevised>
Description: Date when a record was last changed. Similar in format to the MEDLINE element of the same name. Example:
Subelement of: <DescriptorRecord>
Record Type: D, Q, SCR
Repeating element: no
Required element: no
Value is <Year><Month><Day>
e.g. 20000621
20 <Day>
Description: Two-character string giving the day of the month. Similar in format to the MEDLINE element of the same name.
Subelement of: <DateCreated>; <DateRevised>; <DateEstablished>
Record Type: D, Q, SCR
Repeating element: yes
Required element: no
See <DateCreated>, <DateRevised>, <DateEstablished>
21 DescriptorClass Description: Attribute of <DescriptorRecord> having as a value one of four numbers indicating whether a record is (a) a topical Descriptor, used to identify the subject of an indexed document, or (b) a non-topical Descriptor. There are four possible DC values:
  1. Topical Descriptor.
  2. Publication Types, for example, 'Review'.
  3. Check Tag, e.g., 'Male' (no tree number)
  4. Geographic Descriptor (Z category of tree number).
This element is not to be confused with the set or class of <Concept> elements in a Descriptor which may also be referred to as the Descriptor Class of that record. Example:
<DescriptorRecord DescriptorClass = "1">
Subelement of: not applicable . Attribute of <DescriptorRecord>
Record Type: D
Repeating element: no
Required element: no
22 <DescriptorName>
Description: A term that uniquely refers to its <DescriptorRecord> and, along with the <DescriptorUI>, is used to represent the Descriptor in other elements, by the <DescriptorReferredTo>. The same term as the preferred <Term> of the preferred <Concept>. Comparable to, and the source of, the MEDLINE element of the same name. (Note that the MEDLINE element has different attributes.) Subelement of: <DescriptorRecord>; <DescriptorReferredTo>.
Record Type: D, Q, SCR
Repeating element: yes
Required element: yes
Not directly processed
23 <DescriptorRecord>
Description: Cluster of one or more concepts used for subject indexing and retrieval. Identified uniquely by a <DescriptorUI> and <DescriptorName>. A Descriptor. A Descriptor record. Also known as Main Heading. (Note that this differs from the MEDLINE <MeshHeading> element. For example, the MEDLINE element includes both the Descriptor name and the Qualifier name assigned to a citation.) Example:
<DescriptorRecord DescriptorClass = "1">
Subelement of: <DescriptorRecordSet>
Record Type: D
Repeating element: yes
Required element: yes
Not directly processed
24 <DescriptorRecordSet>
Description: The set of all <DescriptorRecord> elements in the Descriptor XML file.
Subelement of: none; this is the root element.
Record Type: D
Repeating element: no
Required element: yes
Not directly processed
25 <DescriptorReferredTo>
Description: The pair of elements <DescriptorUI> and <DescriptorName> each of which uniquely refers to a <DescriptorRecord>. Used to represent the <DescriptorRecord> in other elements. Example:
Subelement of: <ECIN>; <ECOUT>; <SeeRelatedDescriptor>; <PharmacologicalAction>; <HeadingMappedTo>.
Record Type: D, SCR
Repeating element: yes
Required element: no
As a subelement of ECIN:
As a subelement of ECOUT:
MRREL.REL=RO; MREL.RELA=entry_combination_of
As a subelement of SeeRelatedDescriptor:
As a subelement of PharmacologicAction:
As a subelement of HeadingMappedTo:
26 <DescriptorUI>
Description: Descriptor Unique Identifier. Seven-character alpha-numeric string uniquely identifying a <DescriptorRecord> and, along with the <DescriptorName>, is used to represent the <DescriptorRecord> in other elements, by the <DescriptorReferredTo>. Example:
Subelement of: <DescriptorRecord>; <DescriptorReferredTo>.
Record Type: D, SCR
Repeating element: yes
Required element: yes
Used as the SDUI and/or CODE value in MRSAT, MRREL as appropriate
27 <ECIN>
Description: Descriptor/Qualifier combination prohibited in the <EntryCombination> of a given <DescriptorRecord>. Example: See <EntryCombination>.
Subelement of: <EntryCombination>
Record Type: D
Repeating element: yes
Required element: no
See <EntryCombination>
28 <ECOUT>
Description: Descriptor or Descriptor/Qualifier combination recommended in place of the prohibited combination in the <EntryCombination> of a given <DescriptorRecord>.
Example: See <EntryCombination>.
Subelement of: <EntryCombination>
Record Type: D, SCR
Repeating element: yes
Required element: no
See <EntryCombination>
29 <EntryCombination>
Description: A reference to a specific Qualifier that is not to be used with the Descriptor in indexing. The <ECIN> element specifies the Qualifier and Descriptor combination that is prohibited. Instead of this combination, another Descriptor is to be used, specified by the <ECOUT> element. For example, in the Descriptor for 'Abdomen', the <ECIN> refers to the use of 'Abdomen' with 'radiography' and the <ECOUT> specifies the Descriptor 'Radiography, Abdominal'. This means that the combination of 'Abdomen' and 'radiography' is prohibited but instead 'Radiography, Abdominal' should be used. The <ECOUT> element may also be a Descriptor/Qualifier combination as well as a Descriptor. As in most of XML MeSH, the Descriptor and Qualifier are referred to both by the Unique Identifier of the record as well as the term that names the record. Example:
<String>Radiography, Abdominal</String>
Subelement of: <EntryCombinationList>
Record Type: D
Repeating element: yes
MeSH Browser: Entry Combination

ATV = <ECIN><QualifierReferredTo><QualifierName>:<ECOUT><DescriptorReferredTo><DescriptorName>/<QualifierReferredTo><QualifierName>

e.g., D000005 has an attribute where:
ATN = "EC"
ATV = "radiography:Radiography, Abdominal"

30 <EntryCombinationList>
Description: The set of one or more <ECIN> and <ECOUT> pairs in the <EntryCombination> element.
Subelement of: <DescriptorRecord>
Record Type: D
Repeating element: no
Required element: no
See <EntryCombination>
31 <EntryVersion>
Description: Custom short form of a <Term> used for NLM indexing and searching. All upper case. Example:
<EntryVersion>OCCUP MED</EntryVersion>
Subelement of: <Term>
Record Type: D, Q
Repeating element: no
Required element: no
  TTY = QEV (qmesh)
  TTY = DEV (dmesh)
32 <Frequency>
Description: Number of citations indexed with the SCR in PubMed. Automatically incremented monthly. Example:
Subelement of: <SupplementalRecord>
Record Type: SCR
Repeating element: no
Required element: yes
33 <HeadingMappedTo>
Description: <DescriptorRecord> or <DescriptorRecord><QualifierRecord> combination, which is to be automatically attached to a citation in PubMed whenever the SCR is used to index the citation. The Descriptor's <RegistryNumber> is also automatically attached unless it is 0. Example (from C000011):
<QualifierName>analogs & derivatives
Subelement of: <HeadingMappedToList>
Record Type: SCR
Repeating element: yes
Required element: yes
MRREL.RELA=mapped_to (DescriptorUI)
MRREL.REL=mapping_qualifier_of (QualifierUI)

34 <HeadingMappedToList>
Description: Set of one or more <HeadingMapped> elements.
Subelement of: <SupplementalRecord>
Record Type: SCR
Repeating element: no
Required element: yes
See <HeadingMappedTo>
35 <HistoryNote>
Description: Free-text giving information deemed helpful to the online searcher. Headings and entry terms are entered in upper case. Initial characters refer to the year in which the record was created in MeSH in its current form (i.e., with the same preferred term). A date in parentheses indicates the oldest creation date of terms, provisional headings (before 1975), or minor headings (before 1991), which are reflected in citations indexed to the record. Entries without a year date are early records, dating between 1963 and 1966. Example:
<HistoryNote>2004 (2002); for SMALL ROUND-STRUCTURED VIRUSES use NORWALK VIRUS 1992-2001</HistoryNote>
See also <PublicMeSHNote> which was designed for the user of the printed Index Medicus (discontinued 2005) and reflects the MeSH vocabulary printed in Index Medicus at that point in time.
Subelement of: <DescriptorRecord>;<QualifierRecord>
Record Type: D, Q
Repeating element: no
Required element: no
36 <IndexingInformation>
Description: <DescriptorRecord> or <SupplementalRecordUI> or <DescriptorRecord><QualifierRecord> combination which is usually broader than the SCR, and which is suggested for addition to the citation. Subelement of: <IndexingInformationList>
Record Type: SCR
Repeating element: yes
Required element: no

37 <IndexingInformationList>
Description: Set of one or more <IndexingInformation> elements. Subelement of: <SupplementalRecord> Record Type: SCR Repeating element: no Required element: yes
See <IndexingInformation>
38 IsPermutedTermYN
Description: Attribute of the <Term> element which indicates whether or not the term is created automatically in the MeSH editing application as a variant of another term in the record. Example: Example:
<Term ConceptPreferredTermYN="N"
<String>A 23187</String>
Subelement of: not applicable; attribute of <Term>
Record Type: D, Q, SCR
Repeating attribute: no
Required attribute: yes
Used to compute TTY assignments. See Term Type section for details
39 LanguageCode
Description: Attribute of <DescriptorRecordSet> having as values abbreviations for the language of the XML data. Subelement of: not applicable. Attribute of <DescriptorRecordSet>
Record Type: D
Repeating element: no
Required element: no
40 LexicalTag
Description: Attribute of the <Term> element, consisting of one of the following lexical categories:
ABB (Abbreviation)
ABX (Embedded abbreviation)
ACR (Acronym)
ACX (Embedded acronym)
EPO (Eponym)
LAB (Lab number)
NAM (Proper name)
NON (None)
TRD (Trade name) Example:
<Term ConceptPreferredTermYN="Y"
IsPermutedTermYN="N" LexicalTag="LAB"
Note that a Permuted Term will always have the same Lexical Tag value as the term from which it is generated. See attribute IsPermutedTermYN. Subelement of: not applicable . Attribute of <Term>
Record Type: D, Q, SCR
Repeating attribute: no
Required attribute: yes MRSAT.ATN = LT
Only LexicalTags with value = "TRD" are included in the Metathesaurus
41 <Month>
Description: Two-character string giving the month of the year. Similar in format to the MEDLINE element of the same name.
Subelement of: <DateCreated>; <DateRevised>; <DateEstablished>
Record Type: D, Q, SCR
Repeating element: yes
Required element: no
See <DateCreated>, <DateRevised>, <DateEstablished>
42 <Note>
Description: Free-text narrative giving information about the substance particularly its biological properties, but may include other information such as about the <RegistryNumber>. "structure" indicates that the structure of the chemical is given in the first <Source>. Example:
<Note>venous tonic; structure given in first source</Note>
Subelement of: <SupplementalRecord>
Record Type: SCR
Repeating element: no
Required element: no
43 <OnlineNote>
Description: Free-text information formerly intended to help the online searcher. The Online Note is superseded by the <HistoryNote> when the <OnlineNote> is not present. Example:
<OnlineNote>search ALBUMINS 1966-72.</OnlineNote>
Subelement of: <DescriptorRecord>
Record Type: D, Q
Repeating element: no
Required element: no
44 <PharmacologicalAction>
Description: Reference to a Descriptor describing observed biological activity of an exogenously administered chemical represented by a Descriptor or SCR. Example:
Subelement of: <PharmacologicalActionList>
Record Type: D, SCR
Repeating element: yes
Required element: no
45 <PharmacologicalActionList>
Description: Set of one or more instances of a <PharmacologicalAction > in a Descriptor or SCR. Example (Descriptor):
<DescriptorRecord DescriptorClass = "1">
Subelement of: <DescriptorRecord>; <SupplementalRecord>
Record Type: D, SCR
Repeating element: no
Required element: no
See <PharmacologicalAction>
46 PreferredConceptYN
Description: Attribute of the <Concept> element, indicating whether or not the concept is the preferred concept of the record. The preferred concept is the meaning of the term which names the record. The preferred concept is frequently a broader concept that includes narrower sub-concepts, but may also be one among several distinct concepts. In any case the preferred concept is selected as the primary or most prominent representation among the concepts in the literature to be indexed by the record. Example: <Concept PreferredConceptYN="Y">
Subelement of: not applicable; attribute of <Concept>
Record Type: D, Q, SCR
Repeating element: yes
Required element: yes
Not directly processed
47 <PreviousIndexing>
Description: The Descriptors or Descriptor/Qualifier combinations refer to the Heading Mapped to which the NM was previously mapped. Thus the reference often exists concurrently with the SCR, though the PI may also include information on the history of the concept, such as if it was previously a descriptor. Descriptor term is in upper case. Example: <PreviousIndexing>ASPARTIC ACID/*analogs (75-91)</PreviousIndexing>
Subelement of: <PreviousIndexingList>
Record Type: SCR
Repeating element: yes
Required element: no
48 <PreviousIndexingList>
Description: Set of one or more <PreviousIndexing> elements in a Descriptor or Supplementary Concept record.
Subelement of: <DescriptorRecord>
Record Type: SCR
Repeating element: no
Required element: no
See <PreviousIndexing>
49 <PublicMeSHNote>
Description: Free-text information about the history of changes in the record that may be helpful to the user of Index Medicus. This includes the date the record was created in MeSH, changes in the preferred term, earlier status as a <SupplementalRecord>, etc. Unlike the <HistoryNote>, MeSH terms reflect the MeSH vocabulary printed in the Index Medicus (discontinued 2005) at that point in time, not as updated for online databases. In Descriptors, applies only to records having DescriptorClass value of 1. MeSH terms are in upper case. Example: <PublicMeSHNote>2004; see NORWALK-LIKE VIRUSES 2002-2003; for SMALL ROUND-STRUCTURED VIRUSES
see NORWALK VIRUS 1992-2001
See also <HistoryNote> which is designed for the online searcher.
Subelement of: <DescriptorRecord>
Record Type: D, SCR
Repeating element: no
Required element: only in records in which <DescriptorClass> has a value of 1.
50 <QualifierName>
Description: Term that uniquely names its <QualifierRecord> and, along with the <QualifierUI>, is used to represent the Qualifier in other elements. The same term as the preferred <Term> of the preferred <Concept> of the Qualifier record. Comparable to, and the source of, the MEDLINE element of the same name. (Note that the MEDLINE element has different attributes.) Example: <QualifierName> <String>biosynthesis</String> </QualifierName> Subelement of: <QualifierRecord>; <QualifierReferredTo>. Record Type: D, Q, SCR Repeating element: yes Required element: yes
Not directly processed
51 <QualifierRecord>
Description: Cluster of one or more concepts used in combination with a <DescriptorRecord> for subject indexing and retrieval. Identified uniquely by a <QualifierUI> and <QualifierName>. A Qualifier. A Qualifier record. Also known as a Subheading. Example: <QualifierRecord QualifierType = "1">
Subelement of: <QualifierRecordSet>
Record Type: Q
Repeating element: no
Required element: yes
Not directly processed
52 <QualifierRecordSet>
Description: The set of all <QualifierRecord> elements in the Qualifier XML file.
Subelement of: none; this is the root element.
Record Type: Q
Repeating element: no
Required element: yes
Not directly processed
53 <QualifierReferredTo>
Description: The pair of elements <QualifierUI> and <QualifierName> each of which uniquely refers to a <QualifierRecord>, and is used to represent the <QualifierRecord> in other elements. <QualifierReferredTo>
Subelement of: <AllowableQualifier>; <ECIN>; <ECOUT>; <IndexingInformation>; <HeadingMappedTo>. Record Type: D, SCR Repeating element: yes Required element: no
See <AllowableQualifier>, <ECIN>, <ECOUT>, <IndexingInformation>, <HeadingMappedTo>
54 QualifierType
Description: Attribute of <QualifierRecord>, formerly used to indicate presence in Index Medicus. Currently all Qualifiers have QualifierType of "1". Example:
<QualifierRecord QualifierType = "1">
Subelement of: not applicable . Attribute of <QualifierRecord>
Record Type: Q
Repeating element: no
Required element: yes
Not included
55 <QualifierUI>
Description: Qualifier Unique Identifier. Seven-character alpha-numeric string uniquely identifying a <QualifierRecord> and, along with the <QualifierName>, used to represent the Qualifier record in other elements. Example: <QualifierUI>Q000002</QualifierUI>
Subelement of: <QualifierRecord>; <QualifierReferredTo>.
Record Type: D, Q, SCR
Repeating element: yes
Required element: yes
56 <RecordAuthorizer>
Description: Three-character user name of the MeSH analyst or supervisor authorizing the record in the MeSH maintenance system. Example:
Subelement of: <RecordOriginatorsList>
Record Type: D, Q, SCR
Repeating element: no
Required element: yes
Not included
57 <RecordMaintainer>
Description: User name of the NLM editor who most recently modified the record in the MeSH maintenance system. Example:
Subelement of: <RecordOriginatorsList>
Record Type: D, Q, SCR
Repeating element: no
Required element: yes
Not included
58 <RecordOriginator>
Description: Three-character user name of the NLM editor who created the original record in the MeSH maintenance system. When a record is created by a batch process the value may be "NLM." This value is also used for older records which had no value in earlier versions of the data. Example:
Subelement of: <RecordOriginatorsList>
Record Type: D, Q, SCR
Repeating element: no
Required element: yes
Not included
59 <RecordOriginatorsList>
Description: Set of one or more of the elements <RecordOriginator>, <RecordMaintainer>, <RecordAuthorizer> (maximum = one per each element). Subelement of: <DescriptorRecord>; <QualifierRecord>; <SupplementalRecord>
Record Type: D, Q, SCR
Repeating element: no
Required element: no
Not included
60 RecordPreferredTermYN
Description: Attribute of the <Term> element which indicates whether or not the term is the preferred term of the record. See Introduction to MeSH in XML format. Similar to <DescriptorName>, <QualifierName>, <SupplementalRecordName>. Example:
<Term ConceptPreferredTermYN="Y"
... </Term>
Subelement of: not applicable; attribute of <Term>
Record Type: D, Q, SCR
Repeating attribute: no
Required attribute: yes
Used to compute TTY assignments. See Term Type section for details.
61 <RegistryNumber>
Description: Originally a Registry Number from CAS (Chemical Abstracts Service) for the same chemical. Compare to, and the source of, the MEDLINE element of the same name. Currently it may be any one of the following: Enzyme number from the Enzyme Commission. Example: EC, partial enzyme number: EC 1.4.3.-. Registry number from Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS). Example: 7004-12-8. Sequence numbers from the NCBI Reference Sequence project (RefSeq). Example: NM_123456. Value of 0 if no match is available in the above categories. Example:
These values are not presently maintained.
Subelement of: <Concept>
Record Type: D, SCR
Repeating element: no
Required element: In Descriptors having a D category <TreeNumber>.
63 <RelatedRegistryNumber>
Description: The same type of value as the <RegistryNumber> but for concepts which do not have their own Descriptor or Supplemental record. For example, these might be salts and/or stereoisomers of the parent compound. Most values correspond to a <RegistryNumber> value in a sub-concept in the record. A CAS number may be followed by note in parentheses which specifies the chemical relation between the <RelatedRegistryNumber> entry and the concept compound. Example: <RelatedRegistryNumber>157810-81-6 (sulfate (1:1) (salt))</RelatedRegistryNumber> These values are not presently maintained. Subelement of: <RelatedRegistryNumberList> Record Type: D, SCR Repeating element: yes Required element: no
63 <RelatedRegistryNumberList>
Description: The set of one or more occurrences of the <RelatedRegistryNumber>.
Subelement of: <Concept>
Record Type: D, SCR
Repeating element: yes
Required element: no
Not directly processed
64 <RelationAttribute>
Description: Further specification of the particular relationship between two concepts specified in <ConceptRelation>. No data for this element are current in the MeSH XML.
Subelement of: <ConceptRelation>.
Record Type: D, Q, SCR
Repeating element: yes
Required element: no
Not applicable
65 RelationName
Description: Attribute of the <ConceptRelation> element which indicates the relation between the two concepts, e.g., NRW.
Subelement of: not applicable; attribute of <ConceptRelation>.
Record Type: D, Q, SCR
Repeating element: yes
Required element: no
MRREL.REL <ConceptRelation> values are represented as follows:
66 <RunningHead>
Description: The header string that was printed at the top of each page in the Tree Structures section of the printed Medical Subject Headings (discontinued 2007). Currently used for the same purpose in the PDF version of the MeSH Trees online. A separate header is used for each of the (currently) 114 trees. The content is similar to the preferred term for the Descriptor but includes the tree number and is in all upper case. Example:
<RunningHead>B5 - ORGANISMS-ORGANISM FORMS</RunningHead>
Subelement of: <DescriptorRecord>
Record Type: D
Repeating element: no
Required element: no
Not included
67 <ScopeNote>
Description: Free-text narrative giving the scope and meaning of a <Concept>.
Example (for 'Arthroplasty, Replacement, Hip'):
<ScopeNote>Replacement of the hip joint</ScopeNote>
Subelement of: <Concept>
Record Type: D, Q
Repeating element: no
Required element: no
68 SCRClass
Description: Attribute of <DescriptorRecord> having as a value one of four numbers:
  1. = Regular chemical, drug, or other substance (the most common type)
  2. = Protocol, for example, FOLFOXIRI protocol
  3. = Rare disease, for example, Canicola fever
Subelement of: not applicable . Attribute of <SupplementalRecord>
Record Type: SCR
Repeating element: no
Required element: no
69 <SeeRelatedDescriptor>
Description: Reference to a specific Descriptor to which a user is referred by a "see related" cross-reference. For example, in the Descriptor for 'Abdominal Muscles' there is a see-related reference to another Descriptor 'Abdominal Wall'. As in all of XML MeSH, reference to a Descriptor includes the unchanging name - the <DescriptorUI> and <DescriptorName>, as subelements of <DescriptorReferredTo>. Example, in the Descriptor 'Abdominal Muscles':
<String>Abdominal Wall</String>
Subelement of: <SeeRelatedList>
Record Type: D
Repeating element: yes
Required element: no
70 <SeeRelatedList>
Description: Set of one or more <SeeRelatedDescriptor> elements in a Descriptor record.
Subelement of: <DescriptorRecord>
Record Type: D
Repeating element: no
Required element: no
Not directly processed
71 <SemanticType>
Description: One of approximately 140 categories in the UMLS Semantic Network which name properties of <Concept>s. Represented by its subelements: <SemanticTypeUI> and <SemanticTypeName>. Example:
<SemanticTypeName>Organic Chemical</SemanticTypeName>
Subelement of: <SemanticTypeList>
Repeating element: yes
Required element: yes
Not directly processed
72 <SemanticTypeList>
Description: Set of one or more <SemanticType> elements.
Subelement of: <Concept>
Record Type: D, Q, SCR
Repeating element: no
Required element: no
Not directly processed
73 <SemanticTypeName>
Description: Unique term for each of the approximately 140 categories in the UMLS Semantic Network. Used, along with the <SemanticTypeUI>, to refer to the Semantic Type.
<SemanticTypeName>Organic Chemical</SemanticTypeName>
Subelement of: <SemanticType>
Record Type: D, Q, SCR
Repeating element: yes
Required element: no
Semantic types are used to initialize defaults which are then reviewed by editors in the context of the Metathesaurus. Although there is considerable overlap between MeSH <SemanticType> values and STY values in MRSTY.RRF, there are significant differences.
74 <SemanticTypeUI>
Description: Unique four-character alphanumeric identifier for each of the approximately 140 categories in the UMLS Semantic Network. Used, along with the <SemanticTypeName>, to refer to the Semantic Type. Example: <SemanticTypeUI>T109<SemanticTypeUI>
Subelement of: <SemanticType>
Record Type: D, Q, SCR
Repeating element: yes
Required element: no
Not directly processed
75 <SortVersion>
Description: Custom version of a <Term> that was used to sort print output in printed Medical Subject Headings (discontinued 2007) when sorting according to the <Term> is not desired. All upper case. Example:
<SortVersion>KETOACYL COA THIOLASE 03</SortVersion>
Subelement of: <Term>
Record Type: D, Q
Repeating element: yes
Required element: no
MRCONSO.STR TTY = QSV (qmesh) TTY = DSV (dmesh) MRREL.REL=SY MRREL.RELA=sort_version_of
76 <Source>
Description: Citation reference in which the indexing concept was first found. Single occurrence since 1980. Example:
<Source>S Afr Med J 50(1):4;1976</Source>
Subelement of: <SourceList>
Record Type: SCR
Repeating element: yes
Required element: no
77 <SourceList>
Description: Set of one or more <Source> elements.
Subelement of: <SupplementalRecord>
Record Type: SCR
Repeating element: no
Required element: no
Not directly processed
78 <String>
Description: The string itself that constitutes a <Term> as well as object names, such as the <DescriptorName>. There is exactly one <String> for every <Term>. One difference between the <String> and <Term> is that the <Term> is the bearer of a term's attributes, such as Lexical Tag. Example: <Term ConceptPreferredTermYN="Y"
... </Term>
Subelement of: <Term>; <DescriptorName>; <QualifierName>; <ConceptName>; <SupplementalRecordName>.
Record Type: D, Q, SCR
Repeating element: yes
Required element: yes
As subelement of <Term>: MRCONSO.STR
79 <SupplementalRecord>
Description: Cluster of one or more concepts used for subject indexing and retrieval. Identified uniquely by a <SupplementalRecordUI> and <SupplementalRecordName>. SCR. Supplemental Record. Formerly known as Supplementary Chemical Records. Example:
Subelement of: <SupplementalRecordSet>
Record Type: SCR
Repeating element: yes
Required element: yes
Not directly processed
80 <SupplementalRecordName>
Description: A term that uniquely names its <SupplementalRecord> (SCR) and, along with the <SupplementalRecordUI>, is used to represent the SCR. The same term as the preferred <Term> of the preferred <Concept>. Comparable to, and the source of, the <NameOfSubstance> element in MEDLINE. Subelement of: <SupplementalRecord>
Record Type: SCR
Repeating element: yes
Required element: yes
Not directly processed
81 <SupplementalRecordSet>
Description: The set of all <SupplementalRecord> elements in the SCR XML file.
Subelement of: none; this is the root element.
Record Type: SCR
Repeating element: no
Required element: yes
Not directly processed
82 <SupplementalRecordUI> Description: Unique Identifier for SCRs. Seven-character alpha-numeric string uniquely identifying a <SupplementalRecord> and, along with the <SupplementalRecordName>, is used to represent the SCR in other elements. Example:
Subelement of: <SupplementalRecord>
Record Type: SCR
Repeating element: no
Required element: yes
83 <Term>
Description: Alpha-numeric string which comprises the basic unit of the MeSH vocabulary. Also functions as the name of a Descriptor and concept. The term itself is the <String> element. Every Term has four XML attributes: ConceptPreferredTermYN
<Term ConceptPreferredTermYN="Y"
<ThesaurusID>NLM (1975)</ThesaurusID>
Subelement of: <TermList>
Repeating element: yes
Required element: yes
See subelements
84 <TermList>
Description: Set of one or more <Term> elements in a <Concept>.
Subelement of: <Concept>
Record Type: D, Q, SCR
Repeating element: yes
Required element: yes
Not directly processed
85 <TermNote> (Term Note)
Description: For institutions that translate MeSH into their own language. Internal notes about a given term for future reference by the translators. Free text format.
Subelement of: <Term>
Repeating element: no
Required element: no
Not applicable
86 <TermUI> (Term Unique Identifier)
Description: Seven-character alpha-numeric string uniquely identifying a <Term> (except automatically generated Permuted Terms; see attribute IsPermutedTermYN).
Subelement of: <Term>
Repeating element: yes
Required element: yes
87 <ThesaurusID>
Description: Name of a Thesaurus in which the terms occurs, including NLM (=MeSH).
<ThesaurusID>BIOETHICS (1991)</ThesaurusID>
Subelement of: <ThesaurusIDlist>
Repeating element: yes
Required element: no
88 <ThesaurusIDList>
Description: Set of one or more <ThesaurusID> elements in a Descriptor or SCR <Term>.
Subelement of: <Term>
Record Type: D, SCR
Repeating element: yes
Required element: no
Not directly processed
89 <TranslatorsEnglishScopeNote>
Description: For institutions that translate MeSH into their own language. The translator's English scope note for a new concept which the translators themselves have introduced.
Subelement of: <Concept>
Record Type: D
Repeating element: no
Required element: no
Not applicable
90 <TranslatorsScopeNote>
Description: For institutions that translate MeSH into their own language. Translation of an existing <ScopeNote> into a non-English translator's language. It is also used for new concepts introduced by translators in their own language. Subelement of: <Concept>
Record Type: D
Repeating element: no
Required element: no
Not applicable
91 <TreeNodeAllowed>
Description: Name of a subcategory in the MeSH Trees, indicating that for most Descriptors in that subcategory, the <AllowableQualifier> value includes the Qualifier. This value does not impact Descriptors permitted with a given Qualifier, but is a statistical summary of Descriptors permitted with the Qualifier. Example:
Subelement of: <TreeNodeAllowedList>
Record Type: Q
Repeating element: yes
Required element: yes
Not directly processed
92 <TreeNodeAllowedList>
Description: Set of one or more <TreeNodeAllowed> elements. Subelement of:
<QualifierRecord> Record Type: Q
Repeating element: no
Required element: yes
Not directly processed
93 <TreeNumber>
Description: Alpha-numeric string referring to location within a Descriptor or Qualifier hierarchy. Used for browsing the MeSH vocabulary and for inclusive searches by retrieval systems using MeSH. (Note that the Trees hierarchy is not represented in XML by using subelements. The hierarchy is represented by the Tree Number itself.) Example:
Subelement of: <TreeNumberList>
Record Type: D, Q
Repeating element: yes
Required element: yes
Used to compute MRHIER.PTR
94 <TreeNumberList>
Description: Set of one or more <TreeNumber> elements in a Descriptor or Qualifier record.
Subelement of: <DescriptorRecord >; <QualifierRecord>
Record Type: D, SCR
Repeating element: yes
Required element: yes
Not directly processed
95 <Year>
Description: Four-character year date in YYYY format. Similar in format to the MEDLINE element of the same name.
Subelement of: <DateCreated>; <DateRevised>; <DateEstablished>
Record Type: D, Q, SCR
Repeating element: yes
Required element: no
See <DateCreated>, <DateRevised>, <DateEstablished>