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NCBI (NCBI Taxonomy) - Metathesaurus Representation

This page lists UMLS Metathesaurus data elements and traces them back to the specific source data that populates them.

VSAB: NCBI2023_11_01

Summary of Changes

No changes were made to the source data format or to Metathesaurus source processing


The UMLS includes concepts where the "specified_species" value in nodes.dmp = 1, indicating that a species in the node's lineage has a formal name. All higher level concepts needed to make a complete hierarchy are also included. Other concepts are excluded.

Source file:
Files included in are:

File Description
citations.dmp Citations (not directly processed)
delnodes.dmp Deleted nodes (not directly processed)
division.dmp Divisions
gc.prt Genetic code table (not directly processed)
gencode.dmp Genetic codes (not directly processed)
merged.dmp Merged nodes (not directly processed)
names.dmp Taxonomy names
nodes.dmp Taxonomy nodes (hierarchy)
readme.txt README file


Identifiers are assigned as follows:
  • CODE: names.dmp.tax_id
  • SAUI: not applicable
  • SCUI: names.dmp.tax_id
  • SDUI: not applicable

Atoms (MRCONSO):

Term Type Description Origin
CMN Common name CODE = names.dmp.tax_id
STRING = names.dmp.name_txt
SCUI = names.dmp.tax_id
TTY = "CMN" is assigned where "name class" = "common name"
EQ Equivalent name CODE = names.dmp.tax_id
STRING = names.dmp.name_txt
SCUI = names.dmp.tax_id
TTY = "EQ" is assigned where "name class" = "equivalent name"
SCN Scientific name CODE = names.dmp.tax_id
STRING = names.dmp.name_txt
SCUI = names.dmp.tax_id
TTY = "SCN" is assigned where "name class" = "scientific name"
SY Designated synonym CODE = names.dmp.tax_id
STRING = names.dmp.name_txt
SCUI = names.dmp.tax_id
TTY = "SY" is assigned where "name class" = "synonym"
UCN Unique common name CODE = names.dmp.tax_id
STRING = names.dmp.unique_name
SCUI = names.dmp.tax_id
TTY = "UCN" is assigned where "name class" = "common name"
UE Unique equivalent name CODE = names.dmp.tax_id
STRING = names.dump.unique_name
SCUI = namese.dmp.tax_id
TTY = "UE" is assigned where "name class" = "equivalent name"
USN Unique scientific name CODE = names.dmp.tax_id
STRING = names.dmp.unique_name
SCUI = names.dmp.tax_id
TTY = "USN" is assigned where "name class" = "scientific name"
USY Unique synonym CODE = names.dmp.tax_id
STRING = names.dmp.unique_name
SCUI = names.dmp.tax_id
TTY = "USY" is assigned where "name class" = "synonym"

Atoms with other term types may systematically be set to "E" based on certain string patterns which indicate ambiguity or are not terminologically useful. In addition, for term types other than "SCN," if names.dmp contains a "unique_name," the atom created from "name_txt" will have SUPPRESS set to "E."

Attributes (MRSAT):

Attribute Name Description Origin
AUTHORITY_NAME Authority name
Created where class = "authority"
DIV Division/phyla nodes.dmp.division id
The ATV is the textual value of the "division id" from division.dmp
RANK Taxonomic rank (e.g. kingdom, species, etc.) nodes.dmp.rank

Definitions (MRDEF):

No definitions are included in the NCBI data.

Relationships (MRREL):

Inverse RELA
(no RELA) nodes.dmp.parent tax_id
SY expanded_form_of
Connects names.dmp.name_txt to names.dmp.unique_name

Mappings (MRMAP):

No mappings are included in the NCBI data.