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NUCCHCPT (National Uniform Claim Committee - Health Care Provider Taxonomy) - Source Representation

This page lists specific source data elements and provides information on their representation in the UMLS Metathesaurus.

Summary of Changes

There were no changes to the source format or to Metathesaurus source processing

Source Provided Files:

The input files are in standard comma-separated-values format, with fields descriptions in the first line.

File Name Description
nucc_taxonomy_231.csv NUCC taxonomy. Comma-separated data file

Source-Provided Files: Details

The following is a list of elements in the NUCCPT .csv source files:

Note: For TTY = PT/OP, MRCONSO.STR values are created by concatenating "Grouping," "Classification," and "Specialization" columns, separated by ";" and "," respectively, e.g. the STR for 101YS0200X is "Behavioral Health & Social Service Providers; Counselor, School"

File: nucc_taxonomy_231.csv
Element Representation
Grouping First element of MRCONSO.STR (followed by ";")
Classification Second element of MRCONSO.STR (followed by ",")
Specialization Third element of MRCONSO.STR
Definition MRDEF.DEF