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PNDS (Perioperative Nursing Data Set) - Metathesaurus Representation

This page lists UMLS Metathesaurus data elements and traces them back to the specific source data that populates them.


Summary of Changes

PNDS now includes synonyms.

SNOMEDCT_US mappings are no longer provided

Source Provided Files:

The PNDS distribution includes the following:

Data Files

File Name Description
PNDS Version 2024 for UMLS.xlsx An Excel file with 6 content tabs: Domain, Assessment, Nursing Problems, Outcomes, Implementation, and Evaluation


Identifiers are assigned as follows:

CODE Value of CODE column
Additional hierarchical navigational atoms: MTHU# assigned during Metathesaurus source processing
SAUI Not Applicable
SDUI Not applicable

Atoms (MRCONSO):

Term Type Origin
HT HT atoms are created for each "Domain." In addtion, for navigational purposes, HT atoms are created for each tab: Assessment, Problem, Implementation, Outcome, Evaluation
PT atoms are created from the "Label" field for assessments, evaluations, outcomes, implementations and problems.
SY SY atoms are created from the "Short Label" field for assessments, evaluations, outcomes, implementations and problems.

Attributes (MRSAT):

Attribute Name Origin
SOS For domain atoms: Extension column
For outcome atoms: Interpretive Statement column

Definitions (MRDEF):

For Domains, definitions are created from data in the "Domain definition" column. For all other tabs, definitions are created from data in the "CODE_DEFINITION" column.

Relationships (MRREL):

Inverse RELA
N/A Hierarchical relationships created from the following data:
  • Parent-child relationships based on code: In the "CODE" column, the child code is represented with the same code as the parent with a decimal and incremental numbers for each child. For example, the children of Im.280 are Im.280.1 and Im.280.2.
  • Domains: Domains are added to the hierarchy based on the "Domain Range" column
  • Additional HTs were created for Assessment, Evaluation, Implementation, and Outcome. These atoms are used to create the top of the multi-level representation. Each domain encompasses a range of codes. For example, for interventions relating to "Assessment," codes A.0 - A.199 fall under Domain 1, "Safety." PNDS contexts were built to reflect this organization.
SY expanded_form_of/has_expanded_form Connect SY atoms to PTs

Mappings (MRMAP):

No mappings to external sources are provided for PNDS.