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SNOMEDCT_US (SNOMED CT, US Edition) - Source Representation

This page lists specific source data elements and provides information on their representation in the UMLS Metathesaurus.

VSAB: SNOMEDCT_2024_03_01

Summary of Changes

There were no changes to the SNOMEDCT_US format or to Metathesaurus source processing.

Summary of Source-Provided Files

The complete English-language SNOMEDCT_US distribution includes the following documentation and RF2-format files. Additional materials can be found at

Documentation and Reference:

File Name Description
Readme_en_20230301.txt Overview of files in the release

Data Files (tab-delimited):

The Metathesaurus SNOMEDCT data is taken from the following tab-delimited SNOMEDCT files, found in the specified folders under SnomedCT_<edition>_PRODUCTION_<YYYYMMDD>T120000Z/Snapshot/:
Subfolder File name Description
Terminology sct2_Concept_Snapshot_<version>_<YYYYMMDD>.txt Concepts
Terminology sct2_Description_Snapshot-en_<version>_<YYYYMMDD>.txt Descriptions
Terminology sct2_Relationship_Snapshot_<version>_<YYYYMMDD>.txt Relationships
Terminology sct2_RelationshipConcreteValues_Snapshot_<ReleaseCode>_<YYYYMMDD>.txt Relationship Concrete Values
Terminology sct2_TextDefinition_Snapshot_<version>_<YYYYMMDD>.txt Text Definitions
Refset/Content der2_cRefset_AssociationSnapshot_<version>_<YYYYMMDD>.txt Association Refsets
Refset/Content der2_cRefset_AttributeValueSnapshot_<version>_<YYYYMMDD>.txt Attribute Value Refsets
Refset/Content der2_Refset_SimpleSnapshot_<version>_<YYYYMMDD>.txt Simple Refsets
Refset/Language der2_cRefset_LanguageSnapshot-en_<version>_<YYYYMMDD>.txt Language Refsets
Refset/Map der2_iisssccRefset_ExtendedMapSnapshot_<version>_<YYYYMMDD>.txt Extended Map Refsets (ICD-10, ICD-10-CM)
Refset/Map der2_sRefset_SimpleMapSnapshot_<version>_<YYYYMMDD>.txt Simple Map Refsets (CTV3, ICD-O)
Refset/Metadata der2_ciRefset_DescriptionTypeSnapshot_<version>_<YYYYMMDD>.txt Description Type Refsets
Refset/Metadata der2_ssRefset_ModuleDependencySnapshot_<version>_<YYYYMMDD>.txt Module Dependency Refset
Refset/Metadata der2_cciRefset_RefsetDescriptorSnapshot_<version>_<YYYYMMDD>.txt Refset Descriptor Refset

TTY assignment is based on a combination of the active and typeId fields from sct2_Description_Snapshot-en_<version>_<YYYYMMDD>, the "active" status of the description's conceptId, and the "acceptabilityId" value for the description in the USA English and Great Britain English Language Refsets.

For readability, selected field values are mapped as follows in this documentation:

File.field Value Description
Description.typeId 900000000000003001 Fully specified name (FSN)
Description.typeId 900000000000013009 Synonym
Description/Concept/ 1 Active
Description/Concept/ 0 Inactive
Language.refSetId 900000000000509007 US English
Language.refSetId 900000000000508004 Great Britain English (GB)
Language.acceptabilityId 900000000000548007 Preferred
Language.acceptabilityId 900000000000549004 Acceptable
Description/Concept.ModuleId 900000000000207008 SNOMEDCT Core

The assignments are as follows: Description.typeId Language.acceptabilityId - US refset Language.acceptabilityId - GB refset TTY
1 1 FSN Preferred (any or none) FN
1 1 Synonym Preferred (active) (any or none) PT
1 1 Synonym Acceptable (active) (any or none) SY
1 1 Synonym (not in US refset) Preferred (active) PTGB
1 1 Synonym (not in US refset) Acceptable (active) SYGB
1 1 Synonym (not in US refset) (not in GB refset) SY
1 0 FSN Preferred (any or none) OAF
1 0 Synonym Preferred (any or none) OAP
1 0 Synonym Acceptable (any or none) OAS
1 0 Synonym (not in US refset) Preferred OAP
1 0 Synonym (not in US refset) Acceptable OAS
1 0 Synonym (not in US refset) (not in US refset) OAS
0 (0 or 1) FSN Preferred (any or none) OF
0 (0 or 1) Synonym Preferred (any or none) OP
0 (0 or 1) Synonym Acceptable (not Preferred in GB refset) IS
0 (0 or 1) Synonym (any or none) Preferred OP
0 (0 or 1) Synonym (not in US refset) Acceptable IS
0 (0 or 1) Synonym (not in US refset) (not in GB refset) IS

Source-Provided File Details

Details on format of input files and representation of source data. Consult the SNOMED CT documentation, particularly the online Technical Implementation Guide at, for additional details.



# Field Name Description Representation
1 id SNOMED CT concept ID MRSAT.CUI populated by the Metathesaurus CUI corresponding to id
2 effectiveTime Effective time MRSAT.ATN = EFFECTIVE_TIME
3 active Active status ("0" = Inactive, "1" = Active) MRSAT.ATN = ACTIVE; also affects the TTY values of this concept's descriptions
4 moduleId ID of concept indicating the module this concept is defined in MRSAT.ATN = MODULE_ID -- only when moduleId is not the default (core) module
5 definitionStatusId Concept definition status -- ID of status value concept indicating whether this concept is primitive or fully defined MRSAT.ATN = DEFINITION_STATUS_ID

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# Field Name Description Representation
2 effectiveTime Effective time (Not currently represented in the Metathesaurus.)
3 active Active status ("0" = Inactive, "1" = Active) A combination of the "active" and "typeId" values, the "active" status of the description's conceptId, and the "acceptabilityId" value for the description in the Language Refsets are used to determine the MRCONSO.TTY assignment*
4 moduleId ID of concept indicating the module this description is defined in MRSAT.ATN = MODULE_ID -- only when moduleId is not the default (core) module
5 conceptId Concept ID of the associated concept MRCONSO.SCUI and MRCONSO.CODE; for attributes, MRSAT.CUI is populated by the Metathesaurus CUI corresponding to CONCEPTID
6 languageCode The 2-character ISO639-1 code indicating the language of the term MRSAT.ATN = DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_CODE (attached to the SCUI of the source root)
7 typeId ID of concept indicating whether the term is the fully specified name of the concept associated with this term or another synonym for the concept MRSAT.ATN = TYPE_ID

A combination of the "active" and "typeId" values, the "active" status of the description's conceptId, and the "acceptabilityId" value for the description in the Language Refsets are used to determine the MRCONSO.TTY assignment
8 term Text of a term used to describe the associated concept MRCONSO.STR
9 caseSignificanceId ID of concept indicating the case significance of the term MRSAT.ATN = CASE_SIGNIFICANCE_ID

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# Field Name Description Representation
1 id SNOMED CT Relationship ID MRREL.SRUI
2 effectiveTime Effective time (Not currently represented in the Metathesaurus.)
active Active status ("0" = inactive, "1" = active) MRREL.SUPPRESS ("N" if active is "1", "O" if active is "0")
4 moduleId ID of concept indicating the module this relationship is defined in MRSAT.ATN="MODULE_ID" where MRSAT.STYPE="RUI" and MRSAT.METAUI=MRREL.RUI and MRREL.SRUI = this relationship's id -- only when moduleId is not the default (core) module
5 sourceId Concept ID of relationship's source concept MRREL.CUI2 populated by the Metathesaurus CUI corresponding to sourceId
6 destinationId
Concept ID of relationship's destination concept MRREL.CUI1 populated by the Metathesaurus CUI corresponding to destinationId
7 relationshipGroup Integer indicating whether this relationship is (if non-zero) or is not (if "0") associated with other relationships. When non-zero, all relationships having the same sourceId and relationshipGroup values are associated. MRREL.RG
8 typeId ID of SNOMED CT concept representing the specific relationship of the source concept to the destination concept MRREL.REL and MRREL.RELA are set using a relationship-name mapping from this typeId value.
Note: Active "Is a" rels (typeId = 116680003) are used to build the hierarchy (MRHIER) and are also represented in MRREL (REL = PAR/CHD, RELA = inverse_isa/isa). Inactive "Is a" rels are inverted only as relationships (with suppress=O).

The REL and RELA mappings for each typeId are represented in the Metathesaurus as attributes of the concept whose conceptId is this typeId, with MRSAT.ATN="UMLSREL" and MRSAT.ATN="UMLSRELA", specifying the REL and RELA values used for that typeId.
9 characteristicTypeId ID of SNOMED CT concept indicating whether this relationship is an Inferred relationship or an Additional relationship. MRSAT.ATN="CHARACTERISTIC_TYPE_ID" where MRSAT.STYPE="RUI" and MRSAT.METAUI=MRREL.RUI and MRREL.SRUI = this relationship's id
10 modifierId ID of SNOMED CT concept indicating the modifier value (currently always "Existential") for this relationship. MRSAT.ATN="MODIFIER_ID" where MRSAT.STYPE="RUI" and MRSAT.METAUI=MRREL.RUI and MRREL.SRUI = this relationship's id

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Relationship Concrete Values

# Field Name Description Representation
1 id SNOMED CT Concrete Relationship ID MRSAT.SATUI
2 effectiveTime Not processed N/A
3 active Active status ("0" = inactive, "1" = active) MRSAT.SUPPRESS ("N" if active is "1", "O" if active is "0")
4 moduleId Not processed N/A
5 sourceId Concept ID of concrete relationship's source concept MRSAT.CUI populated by the Metathesaurus CUI corresponding to sourceId
6 value The concrete value of the relationship The initial portion of MRSAT.ATV (up to the first "~" character) where MRSAT.ATN is derived from the typeId value
7 relationshipGroup The final portion of MRSAT.ATV (after the first "~" character) where MRSAT.ATN is derived from the typeId value
8 typeId Relationship Type identifier ID of SNOMED CT concept used to assign MRSAT.ATN
9 characteristicTypeId Not processed N/A
10 modifierId Not processed N/A

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Text definitions

# Field Name Description Representation
1 id SNOMED CT Text Definition ID MRDEF.SATUI
2 effectiveTime Effective time (Not currently represented in the Metathesaurus.)
3 active Active status ("0" = inactive, "1" = active) MRDEF.SUPPRESS="O" when active="0" or the concept's active status="0"; otherwise MRDEF.SUPPRESS="N"
4 moduleId ID of concept indicating the module this definition is defined in (Not currently represented in the Metathesaurus)
5 conceptId Concept ID of the associated concept MRCONSO.SCUI where MRCONSO.AUI=MRDEF.AUI
6 languageCode The 2-character ISO639-1 code indicating the language of the definition (This code is always "en" meaning English, and is not explicitly represented in the Metathesaurus.)
7 typeId ID of concept indicating that the term is a Definition (The indicated concept is always "Definition" and is not explicitly represented in the Metathesaurus.)
8 term Text of a definition describing the associated concept MRDEF.DEF
9 caseSignificanceId ID of concept indicating the case significance of the definition (The indicated concept is always "Entire term case sensitive" and is not explicitly represented in the Metathesaurus.)

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Association reference sets -- represents historical associations linking inactive components to equivalent or related current components.

# Field Name Description Representation
1 id UUID of refset member MRREL.SRUI (and MRSAT.SATUI)
2 effectiveTime Effective time (Not currently represented in the Metathesaurus.)
3 active Active status ("0" = inactive, "1" = active) MRREL.SUPPRESS ("N" if active is "1", "O" if active is "0")
4 moduleId ID of concept indicating the module this association is defined in MRSAT.ATV where MRSAT.ATN="MODULE_ID" where MRSAT.STYPE="RUI" and MRSAT.METAUI=MRREL.RUI and MRREL.SRUI = this relationship's id -- only when moduleId is not the default (core) module
5 refsetId ID of concept indicating the specific Association reference set for this association MRREL.REL and MRREL.RELA are set using a relationship-name mapping from this refsetId value.

The REL and RELA mappings for each refsetId are represented in the Metathesaurus as attributes of the concept whose conceptId is this refsetId, with MRSAT.ATN="UMLSREL" and MRSAT.ATN="UMLSRELA", specifying the REL and RELA values used for that refsetId.
6 referencedComponentId* ID of the source component (concept or description) of this association MRREL.CUI2 populated by the Metathesaurus CUI corresponding to referencedComponentId
7 targetComponentId ID of the target component (concept or description) of this association MRREL.CUI1 populated by the Metathesaurus CUI corresponding to targetComponentId

*Note: all reference set members are also represented as attributes of the referencedComponentId, indicating that they are a member of the given refset, with MRSAT.SATUI=id, MRSAT.ATN="SUBSET_MEMBER", and MRSAT.ATV = the refsetId followed by a "~" character, a refset membership-attribute name (in this case "TARGETCOMPONENT"), another "~", and a the value of the refset membership-attribute.

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Attribute Value reference sets

# Field Name Description Representation
1 id UUID of refset member MRSAT.SATUI
2 effectiveTime Effective time (Not currently represented in the Metathesaurus.)
3 active Active status ("0" = inactive, "1" = active) MRSAT.SUPPRESS ("N" if active is "1", "O" if active is "0")
4 moduleId ID of concept indicating the module this attribute value is defined in MRSAT.ATV where MRSAT.MRSAT.ATN="MODULE_ID" where either MRSAT.STYPE="SCUI" and MRSAT.CODE=referencedComponentId (for Concept inactivation indicator attributes) or MRSAT.STYPE="AUI" and MRSAT.METAUI=the Metathesaurus AUI assigned to referencedComponentId (for Description inactivation indicator attributes) -- only when moduleId is not the default (core) module
5 refsetId ID of concept indicating the type of Attribute being expressed (a Concept inactivation indicator or a Description inactivation indicator MRSAT.ATN="INACTIVATION_INDICATOR" and either MRSAT.STYPE="SCUI" (for Concept inactivation indicator attributes) or MRSAT.STYPE="AUI" (for Description inactivation indicator attributes)
6 referencedComponentId* ID of the source component (concept or description) of this association MRSAT.CODE (for Concept inactivation indicator attributes) or MRSAT.METAUI populated by the Metathesaurus AUI assigned to referencedComponentId (for Description inactivation indicator attributes)
7 valueId ID of concept indicating the value of this attribute MRSAT.ATV

* Note: all reference set members are also represented as attributes of the referencedComponentId, indicating that they are a member of the given refset, with MRSAT.SATUI=id, MRSAT.ATN="SUBSET_MEMBER", and MRSAT.ATV = the refsetId followed by a "~" character, a refset membership-attribute name (in this case "VALUEID"), another "~", and the value of the refset membership-attribute.

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Simple reference sets -- represents specified subsets of the concepts in SNOMED CT.

# Field Name Description Representation
1 id UUID of refset member MRSAT.SATUI
2 effectiveTime Effective time (Not currently represented in the Metathesaurus.)
3 active Active status ("0" = inactive, "1" = active) MRSAT.SUPPRESS ("N" if active is "1", "O" if active is "0")
4 moduleId ID of concept indicating the module this subset member is defined in MRSAT.ATV where MRSAT.ATN=MODULE_ID where MRSAT.STYPE=SCUI and MRSAT.CODE=referencedComponentId
5 refsetId ID of concept defining the specific subset MRSAT.ATV where MRSAT.ATN="SUBSET_MEMBER", MRSAT.STYPE="SCUI", and MRSAT.CODE=referencedComponentId
6 referencedComponentId* ID of the concept which is a member of the specified subset MRSAT.CODE=referencedComponentId

* Note: all reference set members are also represented as attributes of the referencedComponentId, indicating that they are a member of the given refset, with MRSAT.SATUI=id, MRSAT.ATN="SUBSET_MEMBER", and MRSAT.ATV = the refsetId.

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Language reference sets

# Field Name Description Representation
1 id UUID of refset member MRSAT.SATUI
2 effectiveTime Effective time (Not currently represented in the Metathesaurus.)
3 active Active status ("0" = inactive, "1" = active) MRSAT.SUPPRESS ("N" if active is "1", "O" if active is "0")
4 moduleId ID of concept indicating the module this reference set member is defined in MRSAT.ATV for MRSAT.ATN="MODULE_ID" where MRSAT.METAUI=the Metathesaurus AUI assigned to referencedComponentId -- only when moduleId is not the default (core) module
5 refsetId ID of concept defining the specific language reference set The initial portion of MRSAT.ATV (up to the first "~" character) where MRSAT.ATN="SUBSET_MEMBER", MRSAT.STYPE="AUI", MRSAT.METAUI=the Metathesaurus AUI assigned to referencedComponentId. Inclusion in this reference set also affects the TTY value of the description identified by referencedComponentId.
6 referencedComponentId ID of the description which is a member of the specified language reference set MRSAT.METAUI populated by the Metathesaurus AUI assigned to referencedComponentId
7 acceptabilityId ID of concept indicating the "acceptability" ("Preferred" or "Acceptable") of this description in this language reference set The final portion of MRSAT.ATV (following the refset membership-attribute specification "~ACCEPTABILITYID~") where MRSAT.ATN="SUBSET_MEMBER", MRSAT.STYPE="AUI", MRSAT.METAUI=the Metathesaurus AUI assigned to referencedComponentId. This value also affects the TTY value of the description identified by referencedComponentId.

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Extended maps reference set (ICD-10, ICD-10-CM)

# Field Name Description Representation
1 id UUID of refset member MRSAT.SATUI
2 effectiveTime Effective time (Not currently represented in the Metathesaurus.)
3 active Active status ("0" = inactive, "1" = active) MRSAT.SUPPRESS ("N" if active is "1", "O" if active is "0")
4 moduleId ID of concept indicating the module this mapping is defined in Not directly processed
5 refsetId ID of concept indicating refSet to which this mapping belongs MRCONSO.CODE, SCUI for XM atom; MRSAT.ATN = MAPSETSID
6 referencedComponentId* SNOMEDCT identifier of "from" concept in this mapping MRMAP.FROMID,FROMEXPR
MRREL.CUI1 populated by the Metathesaurus CUI corresponding to referencedComponentId, for one-to-one mappings (RELA = mapped_from)
7 mapGroup Groups a set of complex map records from which one may be selected as a target code. MRMAP.MAPSUBSETID
The final portion of MRSAT.ATV (following the refset membership-attribute specification "~MAPGROUP~") where MRSAT.ATN="SUBSET_MEMBER", MRSAT.STYPE="SCUI".
8 mapPriority Specifies the order in which complex map records should be checked. MRMAP.MAPRANK
The final portion of MRSAT.ATV (following the refset membership-attribute specification "~MAPPRIORITY~") where MRSAT.ATN="SUBSET_MEMBER", MRSAT.STYPE="SCUI".
9 mapRule Machine-readable rule that indicates whether this map record should be selected within its mapGroup MRMAP.MAPRULE
The final portion of MRSAT.ATV (following the refset membership-attribute specification "~MAPRULE~") where MRSAT.ATN="SUBSET_MEMBER", MRSAT.STYPE="SCUI".
10 mapAdvice Human-readable advice, that may give an end-user advice on selection of the appropriate target code from the alternatives presented to him within the mapGroup. MRMAP.MAPRES
The final portion of MRSAT.ATV (following the refset membership-attribute specification "~MAPADVICE~") where MRSAT.ATN="SUBSET_MEMBER", MRSAT.STYPE="SCUI".
11 mapTarget Target code(s) to which the SNOMED CT concept represented by the referencedComponentId is mapped in the target scheme MRMAP.TOID,TOEXPR
MRREL.CUI1 populated by the Metathesaurus CUI corresponding to the mapTarget, for one-to-one mappings (RELA = mapped_from)
The final portion of MRSAT.ATV (following the refset membership-attribute specification "~MAPTARGET~") where MRSAT.ATN="SUBSET_MEMBER", MRSAT.STYPE="SCUI".
12 correlationId SNOMED CT identifier represesnting the correlation between the SNOMED CT concept and the target code . The final portion of MRSAT.ATV (following the refset membership-attribute specification "~CORRELATIONID~") where MRSAT.ATN="SUBSET_MEMBER", MRSAT.STYPE="SCUI".
13 mapCategoryId Identifies the SNOMED CT concept in the metadata hierarchy which represents the MapCategory for the associated map member MRMAP.MAPTYPE
The final portion of MRSAT.ATV (following the refset membership-attribute specification "~MAPCATEGORYID~") where MRSAT.ATN="SUBSET_MEMBER", MRSAT.STYPE="SCUI".

* Note: all reference set members are also represented as attributes of the referencedComponentId, indicating that they are a member of the given refset, with MRSAT.SATUI=id, MRSAT.ATN="SUBSET_MEMBER", and MRSAT.ATV = the refsetId followed by a "~" character, a refset membership-attribute name (in this case "MAPRGROUP," "MAPPRIORITY," "MAPRULE," "MAPADVICE," "MAPTARGET," CORRELATIONID," or "MAPCATEGORYID"), another "~", and the value of the refset membership-attribute.

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Simple maps reference set

# Field Name Description Representation
1 id UUID of refet member MRSAT.SATUI
2 effectiveTime Effective time (Not currently represented in the Metathesaurus.)
3 active Active status ("0" = inactive, "1" = active) MRSAT.SUPPRESS ("N" if active is "1", "O" if active is "0")
4 moduleId ID of concept indicating the module this mapping is defined in Not directly represented in the Metathesaurus
5 refsetId ID of concept indicating refSet to which this mapping belongs (ICD-O or CTV3) Determines whether MRSAT.ATN = "ICD-O-3_CODE" or "CTV3ID"
6 referencedComponentId* conceptId for this mapping MRSAT.CODE, where ATN = "ICD-O-3_CODE" or "CTV3ID"
7 mapTarget Target code to which the SNOMED CT concept represented by the referencedComponentId is mapped in the target scheme MRSAT.ATV, where ATN = "ICD-O-3_CODE" or "CTV3ID"

* Note: all reference set members are also represented as attributes of the referencedComponentId, indicating that they are a member of the given refset, with MRSAT.SATUI=id, MRSAT.ATN="SUBSET_MEMBER", and MRSAT.ATV = the refsetId followed by a "~" character, a refset membership-attribute name (in this case "MAPTARGET"), another "~", and the value of the refset membership-attribute.

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Description Types

# Field Name Description Representation
1 id UUID of refset member MRSAT.SATUI
2 effectiveTime Effective time (Not currently represented in the Metathesaurus.)
3 active Active status ("0" = inactive, "1" = active) MRSAT.SUPPRESS ("N" if active is "1", "O" if active is "0")
4 moduleId ID of concept indicating the module this description type is defined in Not directly represented in the Metathesaurus
5 refsetId ID of concept indicating the Description Format reference set The initial portion of MRSAT.ATV (up to the first "~" character) where MRSAT.ATN="SUBSET_MEMBER", MRSAT.STYPE="CODE", MRSAT.METAUI=the Metathesaurus AUI assigned to referencedComponentId.
6 referencedComponentId* ID of SNOMED Description referenced by these attributes MRSAT.CODE
7 descriptionFormat Specifies the format of terms in descriptions of this description type MRSAT.ATN = DESCRIPTION_FORMAT
The final portion of MRSAT.ATV (following the refset membership-attribute specification "~DESCRIPTIONFORMAT~") where MRSAT.ATN="SUBSET_MEMBER", MRSAT.STYPE="SCUI".
8 descriptionLength The maximum length in bytes of the terms in descriptions of this description type MRSAT.ATN = DESCRIPTION_LENGTH
The final portion of MRSAT.ATV (following the refset membership-attribute specification "~DESCRIPTIONLENGTH~") where MRSAT.ATN="SUBSET_MEMBER", MRSAT.STYPE="SCUI"

*  Note: all reference set members are also represented as attributes of the referencedComponentId, indicating that they are a member of the given refset, with MRSAT.SATUI=id, MRSAT.ATN="SUBSET_MEMBER", and MRSAT.ATV = the refsetId followed by a "~" character, a refset membership-attribute name (in this case "DESCRIPTIONFORMAT" or "DESCRIPTIONLENGTH"), another "~", and the value of the refset membership-attribute.

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Module Dependency

# Field Name Description Representation
1 id UUID of refset member MRSAT.SATUI
2 effectiveTime Effective time (Not currently represented in the Metathesaurus.)
3 active Active status ("0" = inactive, "1" = active) MRSAT.SUPPRESS ("N" if active is "1", "O" if active is "0")
4 moduleId ID of module that contains this reference set member MRREL.CUI1 populated by the Metathesaurus CUI corresponding to the moduleId (rela = has_dependency)
5 refsetId Identifies the refset to which this reference set member belongs The initial portion of MRSAT.ATV (up to the first "~" character) where MRSAT.ATN="SUBSET_MEMBER", MRSAT.STYPE="SCUI", and MRSAT.METAUI=the Metathesaurus AUI assigned to referencedComponentId
6 referencedComponentId* The SNOMED CT component to be included in the reference set. MRREL.CUI2 populated by the Metathesaurus CUI corresponding to the referencedComponentId (rela = has_dependency)
7 sourceEffectiveTime Effective time of the dependent source module (identified by the moduleId) The final portion of MRSAT.ATV (following the refset membership-attribute specification "~SOURCEEFFECTIVETIME~") where MRSAT.ATN="SUBSET_MEMBER", MRSAT.STYPE="SCUI".
8 targetEffectiveTime Effective time of the target module (identified by referencedComponentId ). The final portion of MRSAT.ATV (following the refset membership-attribute specification "~TARGETEFFECTIVETIME~") where MRSAT.ATN="SUBSET_MEMBER", MRSAT.STYPE="SCUI".

*Note: all reference set members are also represented as attributes of the referencedComponentId, indicating that they are a member of the given refset, with MRSAT.SATUI=id, MRSAT.ATN="SUBSET_MEMBER", and MRSAT.ATV = the refsetId followed by a "~" character, a refset membership-attribute name (in this case "TARGETCOMPONENT"), another "~", and a the value of the refset membership-attribute.

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Refset Descriptors

# Field Name Description Representation
1 id UUID of refset member MRSAT.STAUI
2 effectiveTime Effective time (Not currently represented in the Metathesaurus.)
3 active Active status ("0" = inactive, "1" = active) MRSAT.SUPPRESS ("N" if active is "1", "O" if active is "0")
4 moduleId ID of module that contains this reference set member Not directly processed
5 refsetId Identifies the refset to which this reference set member belongs The initial portion of MRSAT.ATV (up to the first "~" character) where MRSAT.ATN="SUBSET_MEMBER", MRSAT.STYPE="SCUI", and MRSAT.METAUI=the Metathesaurus AUI assigned to referencedComponentId
6 referencedComponentId* The SNOMED CT component to be included in the reference set. A human-readable name for the type whose conceptId is the referencedComponentId is included in MRSAT.ATN = REFSET_PATTERN
7 attributeDescription Attribute Description The final portion of MRSAT.ATV (following the refset membership-attribute specification "~ATTRIBUTEDESCRIPTION~") where MRSAT.ATN="SUBSET_MEMBER", MRSAT.STYPE="SCUI".
8 attributeType Attribute Type The final portion of MRSAT.ATV (following the refset membership-attribute specification "~ATTRIBUTETYPE~") where MRSAT.ATN="SUBSET_MEMBER", MRSAT.STYPE="SCUI".
9 attributeOrder Attribute Order The final portion of MRSAT.ATV (following the refset membership-attribute specification "~ATTRIBUTEORDER~") where MRSAT.ATN="SUBSET_MEMBER", MRSAT.STYPE="SCUI".

*Note: all reference set members are also represented as attributes of the referencedComponentId, indicating that they are a member of the given refset, with MRSAT.SATUI=id, MRSAT.ATN="SUBSET_MEMBER", and MRSAT.ATV = the refsetId followed by a "~" character, a refset membership-attribute name (in this case "ATTRIBUTEDESCRIPTION", "ATTRIBUTETYPE", or "ATTRIBUTEORDER"), another "~", and a the value of the refset membership-attribute.