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Applications of the Visible Human Male Data Set in Electrocardiology: Calculation and Visualization of Body Surface Potential Maps of a Complete Heart Cycle

F. B. Sachse, Ph.D., C. D. Werner, K. Meyer-Waarden, O. Dössel
Institute of Biomedical Engineering, University of Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany


      The Visible Man dataset has found manifold applications as an anatomical atlas and in the simulation of physical behaviour of the human body. This study demonstrates the usage of the Visible Man Dataset to determine the potential and current distribution in the human body due to cardiac current sources. This knowledge is of importance for diagnosis in electrocardiology [3]. The standard approach to achieve this knowledge is measurement with invasive and noninvasive methods, e. g. Electrocardiography and Magnetocardiography. Our approach is the computer aided simulation based on conductivity models, models of cardiac sources, and numerical methods to calculate electric fields.

 Keywords: cardiology, noninvasive measurement, computer aided simulation, conductivity models.
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