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Gallery: Hygiene and Sanitation

灑掃: 地板門窗洗刷仔细, 椅脚桌底亦须擦洗 (Keep the room clean: to sprinkle and sweep), ca. 1935

灑掃: 地板門窗洗刷仔细, 椅脚桌底亦须擦 (Keep the room clean: to sprinkle and sweep), Ministry of Education, ca. 1935

This poster, teaching the importance of indoor cleaning, shows two scenes of children mopping and cleaning interior surfaces. 

About the Book

Poster with title on top, panel of images illustrating hand hygiene, and text in the middle

To help prevent the spread of disease, Chinese public health posters targeted children and taught the basics of personal hygiene and other healthy habits. This poster series produced by the Chinese Ministry of Education, ca. 1935, illustrates the importance of oral hygiene, hand hygiene, cleaning the home, among other healthy habits.