Data sources are who supplies chemical data to PubChem. Data sources can directly submit chemical information to PubChem or PubChem will proactively add relevant chemical information from data sources.
To browse the data sources that have contributed to PubChem, click here or on the Explore Data Sources link located below the PubChem search box, next to the statistcs.
On the Data Sources page, search for a specific source or filter sources according to:
Open the PubChem Data Sources page and answer the following questions:
You can also view details about specific data sources by searching for a source on this page. Find the search box located at the top of the page. Type Chemotion into the search box. As you type, PubChem will automatically start showing relevant results. (Hint: don’t forget to clear any filters!)
Click on the Chemotion link and explore its record to answer the following questions: