PubChem Training Course

Link to Other Sources

Links to Clinical Trials and Literature

PubChem summaries also include links to outside sources of literature, clinical trials, and more. Most will have links to PubMed and some to, plus publishers like Springer Nature and Wiley.

Clinical Trials Example

Go to the Best Match for Aspartame.

In the Contents menu, go to section Drug and Medication Information. From there, jump to section Clinical Trials. This section includes tables with links to different clinical trial repositories, like

Click on the CTID (Clinical Trials identifier) to view the clinical trial details.

Screenshot from the Aspartame compound summary page, showing the Clinical Trials section and CTID links

Literature Example

Go back to the Contents menu and find the Literature section. Click on the chevron (˅) beside the section name to see all of its contents. From there, you can jump directly to a specific publisher or database.

Click on NLM Curated PubMed Citations to view how PubMed is integrated with PubChem.

In this section, you have the option to:

  • Click All NLM Curated PubMed Citations or
  • Select a MeSH Subheading to apply to your chemical/drug name before searching PubMed, like adverse effects (View Subheading definitions)
Screenshot from the Aspartame compound summary page, showing the Literature section and NLM Curated PubMed Citations


Open PubChem and answer the following questions:

  1. Find the Best Match summary for Biotin.
    True or False? PubChem only includes clinical trials information for this drug from

  1. Go to the Literature section for Biotin.
    True or False? You can search for Biotin in PubMed with the subheading therapeutic use from PubChem.