Module 0: PubMed Basics (Prerequisite for MeSH)

How Do I Go Beyond a Basic PubMed Search?

Advanced Search Builder

PubMed includes an Advanced Search Builder to help users:

  • Search for terms in a specific field or "All Fields"
  • Combine searches and build large, complex search strings
  • View how each query was translated by PubMed
  • Compare the number of results for different queries
PubMed Advanced Search screen shot

You can use the Boolean operators AND, OR, and NOT to create specific searches in the query box.

Screen shot of PubMed Advanced Search Builder page with the Booleon list highlighted

Also, your current PubMed session’s search history is saved for your reference and includes additional information about how PubMed processed your search under "Details." Your search history will expire after eight hours of inactivity.

Screen shot of PubMed History and Search Details section of Advanced Search Builder showing how PubMed translated the search for blood pressure

You can locate the Advanced Search Builder option on any PubMed page under the search bar.

Screen shot of PubMed search bar for blood pressure with Advanced link highlighted below it

You can also link to the Advanced Search Builder by clicking "Advanced Search" under "Find" on the PubMed homepage.

Screen shot of PubMed home page sub menu with Advanced highlighted under Find

Understanding all that the Advanced Search Builder has to offer goes beyond the scope of this module, but we recommend that frequent PubMed searchers become comfortable with using the Advanced Search Builder to build searches that are more precise.

Additional Training

For more information and practice using the Advanced Search Builder in PubMed, take the PubMed: Using the Advanced Search Builder quick tour.