Finding and Using Health Statistics

4. Finding Health Statistics Exercises

United States Census Bureau

The Census Bureau is the best source for current data and statistics about the United States’ population and economy. The Census Bureau collects and gives out information about health insurance coverage for adults and children. Its resources include:

  • Explore Census Data is an interactive online application that provides statistics from many Census Bureau data sources.
  • The Census Bureau Health Insurance page provides statistical reports, tables, and other data on health insurance coverage and medical services utilization.


  1. Using the U.S. Census Bureau’s Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2020 report, what percentage of the U.S. population was uninsured in 2020?

  1. What’s the percentage of people under the age 19 who were uninsured in 2020? (Hint: Look at "Figure 2. Percentage of People Uninsured by Age Group: 2018 and 2020.")