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Refining Your Results

The LocatorPlus Catalog gives users the ability to refine their search results based on multiple available filters. Users may also sort all results by Relevance, Date, Title, and Author.

To apply facets, select the facet to expand available options and make selections to the left of each. To exclude facets, select the box on the right of the facet. Included facets will show the green check and excluded will be an orange crossed check.

Refine your results   Include and exclude facets 

After making selections and applying the filters, Active filters will appear above the Refine your results menu.  The Active filters area allows users to remove facets, remember filters, or reset filters.

Persistent filters

After selecting facets, you may hover over an individual facet and click on the padlock icon to make that facet persistent throughout the session.

 Apply persistent filters 

You may also select Remember all filters to make all facets currently selected persistent throughout the session.

Remember all filters