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Collections: Cholera Online

Patients and Victims

A large group of onlookers discuss a man with cholera.

Patients & Victims

Girl Who Died of Cholera Symptome der Asiatischen Cholera Symptome der Asiatischen Cholera Le Choléra à Paris Némésis Médicale illustrée Le Choléra à Paris Emergency Rehydration of Cholera Patients Oral Rehydration During a Cholera Epidemic

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Girl Who Died of Cholera

A hand drawn illustration of a girl lying in a bed with a gown on. Her head is covered by a cap and a blanket covers most of her body. In the background a kettle is resting on a fire.

Illustrated In: Lancet (1831-32): "History of...the...cholera in England and Scotland"
Sunderland, November, 1831
NLM Unique ID: 101434245
See the LocatorPlus catalog record
Image A012673 from Images from the History of Medicine (IHM)

Symptome der Asiatischen Cholera...

An illustration of the full face view of patient with cholera.

Symptome der Asiatischen Cholera,
im November und December 1831 zu Berlin, 1832
By Dr. Robert Weimar Froriep ad nat. depinx
Illustrated In: Froriep, Robert Weimar
NLM Unique ID: 64720250R
See the LocatorPlus catalog record
Image A012121 from Images from the History of Medicine (IHM)

Symptome der Asiatischen Cholera...

An illustration of the full face view of patient with cholera.

Symptome der Asiatischen Cholera,
im November und December 1831 zu Berlin, 1832
By Dr. Robert Weimar Froriep ad nat. depinx
Illustrated In: Froriep, Robert Weimar
NLM Unique ID: 64720250R
See the LocatorPlus catalog record
Image A012122 from Images from the History of Medicine (IHM)

Le Choléra à Paris

Interior view through doorway showing the treatment of victims of the 1832 cholera epidemic.

Paris: Chardon ainè et fils, 1832
NLM Unique ID: 101392758
See the LocatorPlus catalog record
Image A021109 from Images from the History of Medicine (IHM)

Némésis Médicale Illustrée...

A man falls down in the street from cholera while a woman entering her doorway covers her mouth. A sickly dog walks across the street and caskets are being taken to burial in the background.

Némésis Médicale Illustré,
Recueil de Satires, 1840
By H. Daumier.
Illustrated in: Fabre, Antoine François Hippolyte
Paris, 1840
NLM Unique ID: 101434863
See the LocatorPlus catalog record
Image A026986 from Images from the History of Medicine (IHM)

Le Choléra à Paris

An illustration of a well dressed man in a top hat stands at the head of a bed of a person lying stricken with cholera on display in the streets. Near the foot of the bed are three men with shocked looks on their faces. In the baground are man people carrying out their daily lives.

By Jeanron del. Frilley sc
NLM Unique ID: 101444547
See the LocatorPlus catalog record
Image A028965 from Images from the History of Medicine (IHM)

Emergency Rehydration of Cholera Patients...

Interior view: two nurses attach an intravenous drip containing rehydration fluids to a female patient lying on the floor; two other female patients are present.

Emergency Rehydration of Cholera Patients at a Dispensary Near Calcutta, India / WHO photo by D. Henrioud
Image Courtesy World Health Organization
NLM Unique ID: 101437063
See the LocatorPlus catalog record
Image A013808 from Images from the History of Medicine (IHM)

Oral Rehydration

A young child is drinking special fluids prepared to combat dehydration, resulting from diarrheal diseases, without the use of an intravenous connection.

During a Cholera Epidemic...

A nurse is giving a young boy an injection while others (women and children) await their turn.

During a Cholera Epidemic in the Gilbert Islands, Mass Vaccination Against the Cholera Outbreak Did Take Place but Not as Much Emphasis was Place On It / WHO photo by Tin Maung Maung
Image Courtesy World Health Organization
NLM Unique ID: 101437058
See the LocatorPlus catalog record
Image A013813 from Images from the History of Medicine (IHM)

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Last Reviewed: May 31, 2024