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Collections: Cholera Online

Social Commentary

Three well dressed women discussing cholera.

Social Commentary

Preservatif du Cholera A London Board of Health Fortifying Against the Cholera Cholera 'Tramples the victors...' Choleraphoby Liquor as a Cure for Cholera Man and Woman Discussing... Man Telling Two Women... La Malade en Colere La Peur du Mal... Je Sens des Gargouillemens A Case of True Cholera Three Women Discussing Cholera Véritable Choléra-morbus Patent Medicines... At The Gates...

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Preservatif du Cholera

A man is wearing and carrying various protective measures against cholera. He has a face mask, large protective devices for his feet, a pot on his head, and is holding plants in each hand. He is towing a wagon of household items.

France, ca. 1830
NLM Unique ID: 101393496
See the LocatorPlus catalog record
Image A021864 from Images from the History of Medicine (IHM)

A London Board of Health...

A group of London physicians sniffing about a courtyard for signs of cholera.

A London Board of Health Hunting After Cases Like Cholera / Robert Seymour
London, March 1, 1832
NLM Unique ID: 101393365
See the LocatorPlus catalog record
Image A021772 from Images from the History of Medicine (IHM)

Fortifying Against the Cholera

A woman pours a glass of brandy into the mouth of a child; a girl has fallen the floor; men and women in the background show signs of being intoxicated, in the apparent belief that alcohol will prevent cholera. On the table is a huge bottle of brandy.

London, August 1, 1831
NLM Unique ID: 101393384
See the LocatorPlus catalog record
Image A021781 from Images from the History of Medicine (IHM)

Cholera "Tramples the victors..."

Cholera, as a large shrouded specter with skeletal hands and feet, indiscriminately crushes soldiers on both sides of the battlefield.

Cholera "Tramples the victors & the vanquished both" / Robert Seymour
London, October 1, 1831
NLM Unique ID: 101393375
See the LocatorPlus catalog record
Image A021774 from Images from the History of Medicine (IHM)


A crowd of customers besiege a pharmacy seeking remedies for cholera. One pharmacist joyfully works a pestle and mortar; another serves the customers; while a third, with a wink, removes a container from a shelf

By Robert Seymour
London, December 1, 1831
NLM Unique ID: 101393390
See the LocatorPlus catalog record
Image A021786 from Images from the History of Medicine (IHM)

Liquor as a Cure for Cholera

A caricature of two men, one seated on a bench, discuss the merits of liquor as a cure for cholera.

By Charles Joseph Traviés
France, 1832
NLM Unique ID: 101393423
See the LocatorPlus catalog record
Image A021791 from Images from the History of Medicine (IHM)

Man and Woman Discussing...

A man and a woman, standing outside a building; another man walking down steps in the background. A bed pan and clyster are against the wall.

Man and Woman Discussing Ways to Ward Off Cholera / Charles Joseph Traviés
NLM Unique ID: 101393425
See the LocatorPlus catalog record
Image A021792 from Images from the History of Medicine (IHM)

Man Telling Two Women...

A man and two women seated at a table eating and drinking; several empty bottles are on the floor.

Man Telling Two Women of His Way to Avoid Cholera / Charles Joseph Traviés
NLM Unique ID: 101393426
See the LocatorPlus catalog record
Image A021793 from Images from the History of Medicine (IHM)

La Malade en Colere

An upset woman seated in a chair; right hand clutching handkerchief, left arm holding cord as she rings for the servants.

By Charles Émile Wattier del., Lith. de George Frey
NLM Unique ID: 101393443
See the LocatorPlus catalog record
Image A021804 from Images from the History of Medicine (IHM)

La Peur du Mal...

Caricature on hypochondria and protective measures against cholera: An overweight man seated in a chair surrounded by pitchers and bowls.

La Peur du Mal Donne le Mal de la Peur
NLM Unique ID: 101393448
See the LocatorPlus catalog record
Image A021817 from Images from the History of Medicine (IHM)

Je Sens des Gargouillemens

Caricature: Two women, one seated next to a table with two bottles; the other woman stands to the right with her right hand to her cheek holding a handkerchief, she is pregnant and perhaps concern about cholera has led her to seek traditional remedies.

By Lith. de Benard, rue de l'Abbaye No. 4 Chez caricatures, galerie...
NLM Unique ID: 101393478
See the LocatorPlus catalog record
Image A021832 from Images from the History of Medicine (IHM)

A Case of True Cholera

Two physicians bundle and tie a patient they are sure is suffering from cholera. A third person assists in the removal of the patient. Another physician inspects the contents of a chamber pot, and to the right a physician holds up dirty trousers.

London, March, 1832
NLM Unique ID: 101393491
See the LocatorPlus catalog record
Image A021858 from Images from the History of Medicine (IHM)

Three Women Discussing Cholera

Caricature: Two women, one seated next to a table with two bottles; the other woman stands to the right with her right hand to her cheek holding a handkerchief, she is pregnant and perhaps concern about cholera has led her to seek traditional remedies.

Véritable Choléra-morbus

Street scene: Group of three women (probably prostitutes?) wearing fancy dresses and hair styles. The dresses are styled low in the front to expose the breasts. A man (Death figure?) and a woman stand together in the background.

By Lith. de Benard, rue de l'Abbaye No. 4
France, Aubert
NLM Unique ID: 101393489
See the LocatorPlus catalog record
Image A021860 from Images from the History of Medicine (IHM)

Patent Medicines...

Cholera morbus [advertisement for Perry Dair's Pain killer]

Advertisement for Pain Killer for Cholera
NLM Unique ID: 101393490
See the LocatorPlus catalog record
Image A012703 from Images from the History of Medicine (IHM)

At The Gates...

The specters of cholera, yellow fever, and smallpox recoil in fear as their way through the Port of New York is blocked by a barrier on which is written 'quarantine' and by an angel holding a sword and shield on which is written 'cleanliness.'

At The Gates: Our Safety Depends Upon Official Vigilance
New York, September 5, 1885
NLM Unique ID: 100897546
See the LocatorPlus catalog record
Image A012795 from Images from the History of Medicine (IHM)

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Last Reviewed: May 31, 2024