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Collections: Cholera Online

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Cholera at Marseilles. Fires destroy the pestilence. Crowds watch; a large group dance around the fire.

Urban Outbreaks & Hygiene

Epidemics: Cholera at Marseilles The Cholera Breeders in New York and Vicinity Interior of a Mississippi River Steamer Dr. Ferran Inoculating for Cholera in Spain

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Epidemics: Cholera at Marseilles

Cholera at Marseilles. Fires destroy the pestilence. Crowds watch; a large group dance around the fire.

Illustrated In: Harper's Weekly
New York, November 18, 1865
NLM Unique ID: 101435141
See the LocatorPlus catalog record
Image A012049 from Images from the History of Medicine (IHM)

The Cholera Breeders in New York and Vicinity

Exterior view: fours scenes include two views of cow stables at Blissville, pig pens along the street in Long Island City, and feeding cows on slaughter house refuse.

Interior of a Mississippi River Steamer

Many people are sprawled out on the floor among barrels and cartons, wagons, hay, and at the far end of the deck, horses.

Interior of a Mississippi River Steamer Crowded with Men, Women, and Children 'Deck Passengers,' ... / John Maynard Woodworth
Illustrated In: Cholera epidemic of 1873 in the United States. Washington Government Printing Office, 1875
NLM Unique ID: 64760840R
See the NLM LocatorPlus catalog record
Image A012514 from Images from the History of Medicine (IHM)

Dr. Ferran Inoculating for Cholera in Spain

Doctor Ferran standing outside a building inculating a group of people.

Illustrated in: Harper's Weekly
New York, August 1, 1885
NLM Unique ID: 101416858
See the NLM LocatorPlus catalog record
Image B029588 from Images from the History of Medicine (IHM)

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Last Reviewed: May 28, 2024