MeSH Heading
- MeSH Heading
- The preferred term for a descriptor
- Often a broader concept that includes narrower sub-concepts
Unique Identifier
- Unique ID
- Seven-character alpha-numeric string uniquely identifying a descriptor
- Always starts with the letter “D”
Tree Number
- Alpha-numeric string referring to the location of the descriptor within a hierarchy. Each heading in the tree carries a tree number that begins with the letter from the top of the tree followed by numbers. The longer the number, the more specific the concept. A MeSH descriptor record may contain more than one tree number.
- Used for drilling down in the MeSH vocabulary
- Example
- C02.839.040 is one of the tree numbers for Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
- Example
- In the details tab, each tree number is hyperlinked to its location in the MeSH tree structures view
Last Reviewed: July 28, 2017