肺結核病人的家屬同病人經常接觸, 在衛生方面, 如果疏忽大意, 容易被傳染 (Relatives of the patient should have regular X-ray check-ups), 1953
肺結核病人的家屬同病人經常接觸, 在衛生方面, 如果疏忽大意, 容易被傳染 (Relatives of the patient should have regular X-ray check-ups), Shanghai Anti-Tuberculosis Association, 1953
In 1953, the Shanghai Anti-Tuberculosis Association produced a large series of anti-TB posters, including this one, depicting how TB is spread, ways to prevent illness, and how to treat TB when you get sick. This poster illustrates the important of getting regular chest x-rays to detect TB early.
About the Book
In 1953 the Shanghai Anti-Tuberculosis Association produced a large series of anti-TB posters that sought to educate the public on the causes, symptoms, treatments, and methods of preventing the spread of TB.