初起的肺結核病人, 大都沒有顯著症狀; 如果病情慢慢加重, 病人就漸漸感覺到不舒服了. 起先可能只覺得疲倦, 胃口不好, 或有咳嗽多痰, 後來可能有發熱, 咯血等症狀發生 (At first, the patient does not feel anything wrong, but when he becomes seriously ill, he will have fever and cough with phlegm and blood), 1953
初起的肺結核病人, 大都沒有顯著症狀; 如果病情慢慢加重, 病人就漸漸感覺到不舒服了. 起先可能只覺得疲倦, 胃口不好, 或有咳嗽多痰, 後來可能有發熱, 咯血等症狀發生 (At first, the patient does not feel anything wrong, but when he becomes seriously ill, he will have fever and cough with phlegm and blood), Shanghai Anti-Tuberculosis Association, 1953
In 1953, the Shanghai Anti-Tuberculosis Association produced a large series of anti-TB posters. This poster warns Chinese citizens of not taking preventative care and frequent testing seriously. The image shows a man refusing another who is trying to convince him to go inside the mobile X-ray van in the back.
About the Book

In 1953 the Shanghai Anti-Tuberculosis Association produced a large series of anti-TB posters that sought to educate the public on the causes, symptoms, treatments, and methods of preventing the spread of TB.