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Evolutionary and Genomic Examples

Table of Contents: 

  • Intro and tips and tricks
  • Signing up for NCBI Account
  • Example 1: Phylogenetic tree exercise: Why don't cats have a sweet tooth?
  • Example 2: Student's guide to finding and gathering data: Lager vs. Ale Yeasts
  • Example 3: Some command-line workshops

NCBI Data for your classroom

The wealth of data at NCBI presents many opportunities for developing compelling use cases for any life science class, but it can also be overwhelming. Here we present our strategies and some practical tips for incorporating these resources into your curricula.Benefits of NCBI Resources :
•       Diversity of data (raw and curated) relevant to many courses, personas, use cases in linked databases
•       High quality data analysis tools
•       They are updated often – find timely and realistic examples, even from current events.

Our approach: Create interactive educational products using NCBI products for real-world, student-driven exercises.

Pipeline for case study development

Example Hub: NCBI Gene

NCBI Gene Record as a hub for exploring a gene in the news: GLP1R. GLP-1 agonists are currently in high demand for treating T2 Diabetes and other metabolic disorders –. What data can we find on NCBI that could help us understand the role of sequence variation in the GLP receptor itself? Take a look at the types of information you can get from the NCBI Gene Page for this gene

NCBI gene page as hub for downloading data

Finding relevant examples in NCBI Databases:

 Most data at NCBI is in databases connected by the Entrez system, which allows you to build fielded queries to look for specific examples.

For instance, you can search the Gene database for a gene record that: 

•Is related to diabetes
•Has associated gene expression profile(s)
•Has associated clinical variation data from ClinVar and a MedGen record

Start on the home page of the Gene database, and click the "Advanced" option: 

link to advanced search

targeted gene search example

These are just some of the many fields and filters that can be specified, and even more complex searches can be performed using NOT and OR operators in addition to AND.

Custom Genome-Scale Datasets

Use the redesigned NCBI Datasets Genome pages (part of the NIH Comparative Genomics Resource) to download custom sets of data and metadata, such as the genomes of squamate lizards. The current GLP1 drugs are inspired in part by the homolog in gila monsters!

Start on the Datasets search home page.
Search for "Squamates"
On the resulting squamates Taxonomy page, click "Browse all genomes" 
Filter the resulting table of genomes

Datasets squamate genome table with filters applied

Note that since this image was created (just a few months ago), there are now about 30 more squamate lizard genomes! These are just a few of the ways that you can search for and find data. Both Entrez searching and Datasets both have command-line based options for downloading software. 

More resources: 

Conference presentation about creating teaching examples 

Link to poster about creating teaching examples

Step 0: Sign up for an NCBI Account

A free solution for organizing your search results and so much more!

In today's materials, we will be emphasizing the benefits of a free NCBI Account for tasks such as: 

  • Creating Collections to organize and save your search results so that you can quickly find them later.
  • Share a Collection with others.

For today's workshop we assume you have set up an NCBI Account - if you are interested in using one.

If you don't have one yet, it's easy to create an account:   

If you'd rather not, you can still fully participate in using the NCBI databases and tools, but if you want to save links so that you can easily find them again and share them - you may need to come up with your own way to do this (examples: browser bookmarks, copying and pasting into a document etc). 

Please note that NCBI Accounts are also useful for:
  • Saving and automating searches of various databases (both literature & molecular biology).
  • Saving your BLAST searches and results longer than without an account.
  • Setting your preferred sort mechanism for search results.
  • Highlighting search terms in your choice of color to make them easy to find.
  • Creating your own custom filters for quick and easy refinement of searches
  • Creating your own publication list (My Bibliography)
  • Creating Federal BioSketches (NIH, NSF, DoED) from stored information
  • For NIH grantees, producing your funded-publication reporting tables for Annual and Final Reports.
  • and you can keep track of everything – right on your My NCBI dashboard!


Option 1: Why don't cats have a sweet tooth?: Phylogenetic Tree exercise

Lesson Plan template image
        • Who is the audience? 
          • Upper-level high school students, college students in intro biology or a first course in evolutionary biology
        • What do they need to learn? 
          • How to use evolutionary trees and sequence data to you formulate and test hypotheses related to cool phenotypes
        • What do they need to learn how to do? 
          • Generate a hypothesis about the genetic basis of a cool phenotype 
          •  Identify what NCBI resources are relevant to the evolutionary biology research question 
          •  Build a simple phylogenetic tree using sequence data 
          •  Identify sequence orthologs related to the phenotype 
          • Evaluate changes in sequence orthologs that could  
          • Use visualization tools to support hypothesis and share findings with others 
        • What is a relevant and interesting story for the audience? 
          • Evolution of a relatable sensory phenotypes
        • What kind of NCBI data & resources are relevant?
          • Sequence Analysis Tools
            • BLAST alignment tool
            • COBALT sequence aligner
            • Multiple Sequence Alignment Viewer (Graphics)
          • Biological Sequence resources
            • Gene
            • Nucleotide
            • Protein
          •  Biological structure resources
            • Structure
            • iCn3D (if time)
        • What workflow will help find the data and provide the information to solve the case study? 
          • Workflow: See below
        • How can they assess that they've mastered the content? 
          • Opportunities to check work against answer keys
          • Practice with other phenotypic examples

Walk-through the exercise/materials

  1. Come up with an evolutionary question and plan to test it
  2. Gather data to build phylogenetic tree
  3. Use data to build evolutionary tree 
  4. Find gene sequences and map them onto phylogenetic tree 
  5. Identify specific changes to protein sequences and finish the story!

Step 1: Come up with an evolutionary question

Woman thinking about pets eating candy
Have you ever noticed…
That you have a bigger sweet tooth than your friends? 
Your dog seems more interested in your candy than your cat? 
The recommended food for hummingbirds is sugar water? 
And wondered...why is this? is there a genetic component to the ability to taste and seek out sugar? 

The ability to taste different flavors is crucial for toxin avoidance and assuring proper nutrition intake. In humans, the ability to distinguish sweet (sugars) and savory (amino acids) is conferred by a family of Taste Receptor Genes. Let's learn more about some of the function of some of these taste receptor genes...can you tell which ones are responsible for sweet (carb) perception? 


Schematic of mammalian taste reception

Make a hypothesis: Now that we know which genes are responsible for perception of sweet/carbohydrate tasting, do you think the same holds true for other animals? How can we test this hypothesis? 

Step 2: Gather sequence data for building an evolutionary tree

To build an evolutionary tree, we are going to gather gene sequences from a wide set of vertebrates, including our species of interest (house cat and hummingbird). Scientists often use barcoding sequences (standardized sections of DNA) to identify specimens and determine relationships between species. 

One common choice of barcoding sequence is a 600bp portion of the cytochrome oxidase gene. For ease of database searching today, we are going to use the full mitochondrial genome sequence for each species. Mitochondrial phylogenies are also common practice. Luckily, we don't need to do the sequencing ourselves, and can instead search the NCBI Nucleotide database for these mitochondrial genomes and then save the records to a collection in our NCBI account. 

A. Saving a sequence record to an NCBI Account collection

  • Go to the page for the ruby-throated hummingbird mitchondrial genome sequence (Accession NC_010094.1) 
  • Once you are there, click "Send to" in the top left corner of the page. 
  • Leave "Complete Record" selected and Choose Destination set to "Collections". Click "Add to Collections" 
  • Choose "Create new collection" and name it something that makes sense, like "Sweet Mitochondrial Genomes" and Press "Save" 
  • From now on, you can add all mitochondrial sequences to that collection by choosing "Append to existing collection" 
Your turn: Add the zebrafish (Danio rerio) mitochondrial genome to your "Sweet Mitochondrial Genomes" collection.

Check your work: To check that both of these sequences were saved to the collection, Go to your NCBI Account Dashboard.
  • From nearly any NCBI page, simply go to the top right corner of the whole page, click your username -> Dashboard. 
  • Under Collections, click on the name of the collection.
  • The following two items should now be in your collection: 
two items that should be in your collection now
B. Search NCBI Nucleotide database for other species' sequences

If you don't already have a link to your sequence, you can search for it in the NCBI Nucleotide database, which is a collection of the millions of genome, gene and transcript sequences that users have submitted over the years. Here you will build the rest of your mitochondrial dataset by searching this database, starting with the human mitochondrial genome. 

  • Navigate to the NCBI Nucleotide Database: NCBI Nucleotide database
  • In the search bar type "Human mitochondrial genome" and click Search
  • A result box like this will pop up - click the main title "Human mitochondrial reference genome" 
  • Just like you did above, send this record to your "Sweet Mitochondrial Genomes" collection
Your turn: Find and save the sequences from the rest of the following list of sweet-tasting and non-tasting vertebrates: 
    • Ruby-throated hummingbird - Archilobus colubris -  tasting (DONE)
    • Common swift - Apus apus - non-tasting 
    • Little blue penguin - Edyptula minor - non-tasting 
    • African ostrich - Struthio camelus - non-tasting 
    • Grey parrot - Psittacus erithacus -  non-tasting
    • Zebra finch - Taeniopygia guttata - non-tasting 
    • Human - Homo sapiens - tasting (DONE) 
    • House mouse - Mus musculus - tasting 
    • Domestic cat - Felis catus - non-tasting
    • Dog - Canis lupus familiaris - tasting
    • Little brown bat - Myotis lucifugus - tasting
    • Cattle - Bos taurus - tasting
    • Outgroup: Zebrafish (DONE)
Check your work: If anyone gets stuck, I have supplied a complete version of this collection here: From here, students can select Send to -> Append to collection to send all these records to their own collection in order to catch up. 

Step 3: Infer evolutionary tree and use it to look at patterns

Once all thirteen of the above sequences have been gathered, you have what we need to build a tree of the relationships between the species and use it to refine your hypotheses. We are going to use NCBI's BLAST tool to align the sequences, and then visualize the output as a tree using Tree Viewer. 

A. Send Data from Collection to BLAST 

  • From nearly any NCBI page, simply go to the top right corner of the whole page, click your username -> Dashboard. 
  • Under Collections, click on the name of the collection.
  • Once inside collection – send to -> Analysis tool -> BLAST 
B. Adjust BLAST parameters and run BLAST 
  • Click “Align two or more sequences”  
  • Copy and paste the list of sequences IDs into the "Enter Subject Sequence" box too 
  • Make job title something informative: "MitoGenomes"
  • Choose “more dissimilar sequences” to use a version of BLAST that is good for cross-species comparisons 
  • Click "BLAST"!

C. Examine output and export the tree 

There is a lot to explore on the results page, and you can learn a lot more from past BLAST workshops but for today's exercise, we are going to click on "Distance tree of results". Adjust to "Neighbor Joining" 

Your result should look something like the following - Question: what are some improvements we could make to help us understand results? 
raw neighbor joining tree

For one thing, it might help us if we could render the labels with the species common names instead of the full scientific names:  
  • Choose Tools -> Edit labels Select common names 
  • The only “scientific name” left should be the hummingbird, which may be missing common name data - we can always re-label the sequences in other software program.  

Save the results: 
  • Tools -> Download PDF, which can be pasted into a slide or document 
  • Tools -> Download Newick file (to import into other tree-visualization software as an extension!)
  • Can also take a screenshot in a pinch!
Now that you can see the relationships more clearly, think about:
  • What is the best bird species for comparison with the hummingbird if we want to learn how their sequences evolved?  
  • You could probably already guess this, but what is the best animal for comparison with domestic cat? 

D. Map trait onto the tree 

Here is a clean version of the tree, which I edited in third party software. As an exercise, students can fill in the remaining taxa. Then, on the branch leading to each taxa, mark the presence/absence of data from the tree. 

tree with common names but no branch labels

Discussion: What is another trait you could map to this tree? 

Answer key for mapping trait can be found here

Step 4: Tying things together: Find orthologs and map presence/absence on our tree

Let's move on to look at the actual basis of sweet tasting perception. As a reminder, according to the paper we read at the beginning of this lesson:

"In vertebrates, sweet and savory (“umami”) tastes are sensed by G protein–coupled receptors (GPCRs) termed T1Rs. Most vertebrates have three T1Rs, with the T1R1-T1R3 heterodimer mediating umami taste and the T1R2-T1R3 heterodimer mediating sweet taste. Human T1R2-T1R3 detects carbohydrates and artificial sweeteners (10), and knockout mice lacking T1R2 or T1R3 have defective sweet taste perception.  

Now, we are going to be tying the genetic basis of sweet perception together with the patterns of trait evolution we mapped above. This will help us test our hypothesis - DOES each animal that can perceive sweetness have copies of both the T1R2 and T1R3 gene family? To to this, we need to 1) Find whether or not each species in our tree has an ortholog (related sequence) for each gene, and 2) Label this presence/absence on our tree.

We are going to take advantage of pre-computed NCBI Orthologs to do this! These have been calculated for many animals and more orthologs are being calculated and added all the time. 

To find Orthologs of a human gene, we can start back on the Human Gene page for our sequence of interest: 
Using T1R2 as an example: Under Summary, find Orthologs and click the "All" link to end up on this page of e.NCBI Orthologs of the Human T1R2 gene Then, we can take advantage of Taxonomy-based browsing.

To check whether or not Bats have a T1R2 sequence ortholog, you can: 
  • Use what you know about animal relationships: Tetrapods -> Mammals -> Placentals -> Bats
  • Use the Taxonomic search box to check directly! 
  • Either way, we see that bats do have orthologs of this sequence. We can check YES next to our bat species for T1R2. 
On your own or in groups: Using the search strategies above, complete the following table or otherwise keep track of which species have orthologs of each sequence. 

Organism T1R2?  T1R3?
Bat YES  


It is okay if you can't find the exact species match - if the broader category of organism (i.e. bats, hummingbirds) has a sequence we can mark that as YES. Sometimes different species have different representation in different databases, and we don't need to worry about those details for the purposes of this exercise. 

Once you have that data, you can also add it to the tree where you have mapped the trait - are there any mismatches between trait and the presence/absence of one of the receptor genes??

Tree with all labels


Almost all mammals, including dogs, have the ability to detect sugars (think about ice cream – yum!). Why can’t cats (big AND small!) do this too? 
All other birds have lost the ability to taste sugars, due to the loss of one of the T1R genes. How can hummingbirds detect the sugar in the flower nectar that they eat?  

Step 5: Tying things together -  specific genetic changes

Through our hard work, we have found some specific exceptions to the idea that presence/absence of the gene 

A. Looking for specific changes between cat and dog T1R2 and T1R3 genes

T1R2 -
Starting on the NCBI Orthologs of the Human T1R2 gene page again.

  • See “canis lupus familiaris” sequence in first result table. Select checkbox and click “Add to Cart”.  
  • Use Taxonomy search function and do the same for “domestic cat”  
  • Go to cart -> Align -> One Sequence per gene  
  • You will be taken to COBALT aligner - go ahead and click through 
  • View alignment and customize view - share link if you want!- Mine looked roughly like this: What are some differences? 

On your own: Align the cat and dog T1R3 sequences to see if there are also major changes. 

Link to one possible alignment view:,b:55,x:17,aln,e:55,o:150 

Of note, these changes match previous research comparing cat and dog taste receptors!

previous research showing similar deleltion

From Xia et al. 2006

B. Do humans have within-species variation?

Thus far, we have focused on major species-level differences in whether or not. Can smaller changes within the human species help account for the differences between how big a sweet tooth each of us have? 

We can begin to answer this question by going back yet again to the T1R2 human gene page, and scrolling until we find Bibliography. The short answer is YES there is meaningful human variation in this gene! 


Sampling of interesting human phenotypes related to T1R2

Explore some of these publications and the rest of this Gene Page on your own for more information!

C. Opportunities for science communcation: 
Today we have gone from observation -> evolutionary hypothesis -> gathering data to test hypothesis -> Looking at specific genetic chanages. One final step in your lesson plan would likely be to have students communicate these findings. Here are a few of my suggestions to start off our discussion: 

  • Have students think about how they would tell a sibling about cats and dessert preferences
  • Pick the two most important figures and create custom versions to include in short presentation
  • Your idea here? 

D. Practice on your own: How have hummingbirds re-evolved the ability to taste sugar? 

We have all of the tools and data necessary, and information about some genetic changes can be found in this publication!

Option 2: Student's guide to finding and gathering data: Lager vs. Ale Yeasts

All biology research projects involve finding relevant literature and identifying related biological information. Often high school or new undergraduate students need guidance on how to effectively search for helpful information. For almost 35 years, the NCBI has provided free access to high-quality biological databases for the research community. In addition, we’ve created tools to help organize selected literature and biological data records for quick and easy access.

In this online, interactive workshop we will take you step-by-step through how to:

  • Use the web interface to effectively search NCBI databases
  • Create and use your NCBI account to store selected records in an online folder to access and share them
  • Find information related to a proposed research project topic across linked NCBI databases, from publications and associated genome sequences down to protein structures
  • Begin to interpret the information you’ve found in the context of the project

Note:  This workshop was designed for both student researchers, and the educators and mentors who want to help students use these resources.

Specifically, students will accomplish: 

  • Learning about a project from a publication
  • Finding data about an organism
  • Finding available genome data for an orgnansim
  • Get details about an interesting gene
  • Using BLAST to find orthologs of an interesting gene 
  • Explore protein structure and sequence for your gene of interest

Our Case Study

As you journey along your education path, you may want to get some real experience in a lab working on your own project. This is beneficial for helping you learn real scientific and laboratory skills, get you experience in a real research enterprise, and also help you network a bit more in the academic department with students, professors and staff.

A common practice is to find a professor who has interesting research and a good reputation mentoring students and ask to meet with them about the possibility to join their lab to do a research project. Often that professor will provide a scientific publication related to that work and ask you to find and read it, and then come back in for another meeting to discuss what they've learned. To prepare yourself for the follow-up meeting as well as for beginning an actual research project - you should consider going above and beyond just reading the article to find supporting information.  This will enhance your own knowledge, but also really impress the professor that you:
  • have a good understanding of biology
  • are comfortable trying new things and using technology
  • are a hard worker, learn quickly, and are eager to support their research efforts

Today's scenario

Professor Leslie Smythe's University Faculty pageYou recently attended a lecture by Dr. Leslie Smythe at your university.  Her research on yeast biology and how it relates to food and drink seems really interesting and you have heard that she is a really excellent mentor for students. At the end of her talk you asked her about her research lab and if there was possiblility of joining a project. She sent you an invitation to come talk to her and learn more about you.

The talk seemed to go well and she sent a follow-up Email.
Professor Leslie Smythe's Email asking you to read PMID 32966337 for your next meeting

Your plan

NOTE:  This is an NCBI workshop so we will show you useful things on the NCBI website.


You can get a free NCBI account where you can create a "folder" (a.k.a. collection) to store a direct link to that paper and other cool things you find on the NCBI website.  


Figure out how to find that paper and access it.   
Then, devise a strategy to look for other helpful information based on the key points in the paper.

STEPS 2-6:

Do some research on the NCBI website and collect those page ("database record") links.


Share the collection with your professor just before you go meet with her again.

THEN..... Inpress your professor and start your research career!

Let's get started

Option 3: Explore Command Line Workshops

Accessing NCBI Biology Resources Using EDirect for Command Line Novices

title image for edirect novices workshop edirect novices notebook screnshot Workshop Duration: 2 hours

Content Difficulty: Beginner

Target Audience:

This workshop is for biological researchers who would like to learn to use the command line for searching and fetching NCBI data. You do not need to have had prior experience with the command line, but we do recommend that you have some familiarity with NCBI databases get the most of this workshop.

Workshop Description:

In this workshop, we will begin with an introduction to working in a command line environment and then show you how to use the EDirect suite to access data programmatically from several NCBI databases.

In this workshop you will learn how to:

  • Write Bash commands with parameters
  • Download and store data files in an organized directory structure
  • Construct search queries using NCBI’s EDirect to search in a specific database, link to related data in another database, and download selected information.
  • Chain together multiple command line calls in a reusable workflow which can quickly and reproducibly access the latest information.

Jupyter notebook button iconThis link goes to an interactive version of the notebook presented in the workshop. Please Note:  that it may take up to 10 minutes to load the first time you access these materials.

Downloading NCBI Biological Data and Creating Custom Reports Using the Command Line

custom reports workshop logoscreenshot of notebook for custom reports workshop


NCBI Faculty:  Peter Cooper, PhD & Wayne Matten, PhD

Workshop Duration: 2 hours

Content Difficulty: Intermediate

Target Audience:

This workshop is for biological researchers who would like to incorporate NCBI command-line clients into their workflows to access and process NCBI molecular data and metadata. You do not need to have prior experience with Entrez Direct (EDirect) suite or the Datasets command-line interface (CLI) tools (datasets and dataformat), but you should be familiar with NCBI databases and comfortable using the Unix/Linux shell to get the most out of this workshop.

Workshop Description:

In this workshop you will learn to use both the EDirect suite and the Datasets CLI to download gene sequences, genome assemblies and their associated metadata, and create custom reports that cross reference biological features and sequence data. 

In this workshop you will learn how to:

  • Use the EDirect suite to search for and collect sequence and gene data data across NCBI databases
  • Incorporate the the EDirect XML parser Xtract into workflows to create and format custom reports
  • Use the Datasets CLI to access and download genome sequences and metadata in order to build custom databases
  • Use the dataformat tool to generate reports from downloaded genome metadata to classify and filter genomes by biological criteria
  • Incorporate these tools into workflows with other bioinformatic tools such as BLAST

If you are a command line novice and want to gain familiarity with command line while also using NCBI tools, please consider applying to the workshop on March 28th, 2023:  An Introduction to Accessing NCBI Resources on the Command Line using EDirect for Biologists.

Data Access Technology: Jupyter Notebook, Command-line

NCBI Resources: Entrez Direct (EDirect), NCBI Datasets Command-line (CLI) tools

Jupyter notebook button iconPlease note that the first time you access this notebook - it may take up to ten minutes to start up.

Last Reviewed: July 31, 2024